Chapter 14: Revelations and Heart Attack

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Artemis POV

(When Percy just killed the Leviathan)

Percy had eliminated the first threat. Relief settle upon the campers and me when we saw Percy's ice swords cut the head and then him finishing it with riptide. But when he started falling from 50 meters up into the air my nerves skyrocketed. Fortunately, one of his water serpents caught him midair and brought him to the ground.

All of the campers surrounded him with cheers and applauses from the victory against the Leviathan. I certainly couldn't care less about their happiness because I just wanted to get to Percy. I didn't know what I was doing, my body just did it on its own. I broke through the crow and as soon as Percy was in front of me I hugged him with all of my strength.

"Don't you ever do that again to me, please." I sobbed into his chest, not caring that everyone saw me break down, and hugged Percy. Then he decided to ruin or save me from more embarrassment with his snarky comment. "It's nice to see that you care for me."

I immediately pull out of the hug and playfully punch his shoulder. "I was only scared because if you died I would need a new master and no one would be as good as you kelpy." I absentmindedly responded. Only after a few seconds, I caught that I called him kelpy by accident. It was a nickname that I had thought of for a while to show that I care for him.

Before I could retract my statement and blush, I noticed that he didn't look too good. "Well, as much as I would like to talk about my new nickname as Kelpy." He started saying before blinking a few times. "I am going to need you to catch me before I touch the ground Arty."

"What do you mean by-" I started asking before his body went limp and I had to catch him. I immediately understood that his condition was because he was too exhausted. "Someone get my brother's son Will." I order to the crow and a few seconds later, an almost younger version of my brother came through the crow and examine Percy.

"He is just too tired, he needs to rest, let us take him back to his cabin since it has mist inside which will help him." Will ordered before Percy was put onto a stretcher and taken to his cabin. I followed right behind them the entire time looking at Percy's relaxed face. He has been through so much before saving us in the last second. He was kidnapped and tortured for hours nonstop before he had to escape and save our sorry asses.

After Percy was laid down on his bed and Will gave me instructions about Percy having to rest and eat some ambrosia, they left the cabin. I looked down at Percy and saw how his armor had already retracted back to the bracelets leaving his torn shirt covering almost nothing. My face immediately felt hot and tried to look away, but some reddish-white scars grabbed my attention. I took a closer look at his scars and noticed that these were the ones that he got after being tortured. A few tears slipped out and I sat next to him on his bed. The feeling that I got over Percy getting hurt was something that was really close to when I lost almost all of my hunters to Orion during the last war.

I sat there in silence as my tears finally stopped. This whole time I was thinking about how Percy's life had been so unfair. He was brought to this world when he was just 12 and had to retrieve my father's taser. Not to say the battles and the number of people he lost over the span of 6 years. While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that I was stroking his hair, when a knock at the door brought me back to reality.

I grudgingly sat up and walked to the cabin door. I slowly opened it up to see who it was, and it was no one else than the daughter of Athena. "What do you want Chase?" I harshly asked, not really caring about my tone. She visibly winced at my tone before picking up herself to answer my question. "I was just coming to see if Percy was fine. I was worried since he passed out after his battle with the Leviathan."

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