Chapter 19: An Upgrade for a Friend

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Percy POV

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked, clearly confused about him mentioning me as their future patron. That can't be true right? Right?!

"I know how it sounds young Perseus, but we have finally found someone worthy to be our leader," The dragon, who I think is the king, responded. 

I was completely astonished by his statement. He wanted me to be their leader, their patron! I was already shocked enough at seeing actual dragons in the flesh, but this! This just takes one of the top most shocking moments in my life, the podium goes to Artemis and me on the beach at night. 

"You want me to become your leader?" At this, all the dragons nodded their heads and even bowed to me. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. "But, why?" 

"Because there is no one who deserves to guide us into the known world. You are the purest soul in existence, no one compares your compassion and loyalty to your morals and what is right or wrong. You, Perseus Jackson, have the heart of a dragon unlike anyone else. Honorable, noble, compassionate, loyal, honest, calm but aggressive, and so many more characteristics that describe you are the ones that we dragons possess. The real King of Dragons is you Perseus, you who have been destined to become the greatest of all," The dragon moved forward and softly laid his body in front of us so that his mouth was a few meters away from us. 

"You seriously think I am that person?" I asked, completely astonished by the appraisals of the current leaders of the dragons. This question made Artemis and C snort. 

"Yes young Perseus, you have overcome the greatest of odds your entire life, or have you not?" The leader pointed out.

I wanted to argue that I haven't done all of those things without help from my friends and all of those who died, but Artemis beat me to it.

"You have Percy, and don't you dare not take the credit. You went to a standstill with Kronos and did the right decision when giving Luke the blade. You became a praetor just a week after joining the legion. You traveled through Tartarus while dragging Annabeth's ass the entire time. You singlehandedly defeated Gaea and several giants. Finally, you just defeated the Leviathan half a year ago. All of those times you save countless lives, so just take the compliment for once," Artemis threatened as she tightened her grip on our hands. 

"Okay, I accept the compliment, but did you really have to list everything that I have done?" I ask, exasperatedly. 

"Yes, she did, otherwise you would still be in denial of your rightful place as our leader. Just be grateful she listed the major things and didn't go into detail," The leader said before giving me a wink. It was really weird seeing a 10-meter-tall dragon winking at me. 

"Okay, but I don't want any more power, if Zeus learns about it he will surely kill me," I said tiredly. 

"He won't Percy, I won't let my father nor any god do anything to you," Artemis reassured me as she cupped my cheeks in her hands. I leaned to her touch and felt how relaxed she was making me with just her touch. 

"Besides, if he dares harm our leader, he will start a war against us. Trust us, a Leviathan might be more powerful than a single one of us, but one of us could easily defeat 2 Olympians," The leader said and the dragons in the roar in approval. 

"Okay, but what does it mean to become your patron?" I asked a few seconds after the dragon calmed down.

"It means that you will be our Lord, you will have all the powers that a dragon has: strength agility, dexterity, endurance, wings, and better fire control," At the moment he said wings I agape at this.

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