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A man in uniform walked into his room. He strode quickly then massaged his temples. Behind him, two neatly dressed people followed in his footsteps with anxious facial expressions. The elderly man then sat in the chair in his room, looking at the two young people in front of him who were now bowing down at him.

"Speak." The man ordered making the two lift their heads.

"They already hired an expert diver and rescuer from another country to find them as soon as possible." The young man reported which is followed by the young woman beside him.

"They also shut down the students and staff even the media so that no news could reach the Chairman."

"Don't waste time and find them as soon as possible before the Chairman finds out." His deep voice sounded casual but also intimidating to the two people in front of him.

"Yes sir." The two answered in unison. The elderly then looked at the two with a look of disdain before he stood out of his seat, drinking straight the whiskey on the glass, and walked to the corner of the room where a family portrait was placed.

"I don't know what was going through that kid's mind but make sure everything goes as planned." He said and paused "So in your next report, I want to hear that you already found them. Do you two understand?!" He loudly said before he smashed the whiskey glass on the wall. The two could only nod their head nervously.



In Unknown's place...

Jeongyeon's tired eyes fluttered open slowly under the blazing sun once she was finally pulled out of a state of unconsciousness. Her pupils dilated as they caught a glimpse of its blinding light. She quickly noticed the feeling of her limp and heavy body, then a quiet groan left her chapped parted lips when an extreme headache registered in her dizzy and disoriented mind.

she let her eyes adapt to the newly found light and the atmosphere around her was strangely quiet. The melodic sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore and birds chipping gave her a strange sense of calmness.

But later on, her attention was caught by a familiar cough and slightly distant movement beside her as her body was pulled because of the rope that was tied to her waist. Jeongyeon blinked a few times until her vision got back to normal. When the realization hit her as she remembered the incident and the last person that she saw, she wanted to stand up and take in her surroundings, but a sharp pain shot through her head and into her body once she tried to move and pulled her back to the ugly reality.

"Nayeon..." A loud groan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and her face twisted in agony.

But later on, rushed footsteps reached her ears, and its silhouette towering over her then the person kneeled down next to her and cupped her face.

"Jeongyeon." Upon hearing the voice she quickly opened her eyes again, this time she greeted the brunette's face with a cut on her lower lip and damp disheveled hair. Her weak eyes glistened with unshed tears and terrifying fear, and maybe a slight hint of relief as they stared back at Jeongyeon.

"Nayeon...  Are you Okay? where are we?" Jeongyeon muttered and Nayeon shook her head.

"I really don't know. But, I'm sure we are both waking up on an isolated island."Nayeon said but later on, her eyes widen.

My Sweet Arrogant - 2yeon G!PWhere stories live. Discover now