Nineteen-Act 8

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{♡Why they're so nice♡}

Osamu yawns stretching out his arms rolling to his side. "Hey hey can i touch you?" Osamu ask's pushing the book Velvette was reading down a bit to get the other's attention.

"Mm." Velvette nods. "Sure"

Osamu drops his hand scotting closer and wrapping his arm around the other. Letting out a sigh he burys his face around the other's stomach area.

"What else can I call you? I feel like "velvette" is too long"

He shrugs. "Just shorten it or whatever"

"Velv then?"

He nods focusing more on his book then answering. With another sigh Osamu grabs at the other's shirt.

"You didn't change did you?"

"I don't remember i did , probably not"

Osamu yawns sitting up shrugging the shirt up his shoulders. He's changed into a long t-shirt , that was probably owned by someone since it is to big for him and velvette.

Yawning Osamu scoots himself back down putting his head on the other's stomach.  "Are you hungry?''

"No I'm fine," he paused looking down at him with a smile. "Are you?"

"I am not that hungry though so I'm fine for right now"

"Then later?"

"Yeah.." Osamu trails off "later"

Velvette blinks and nods. "Alright then later"


Eventually velvette left his room to go off and do missions.


"Chūya-san I think that's enough" Velvette sighs with a smile as he heads over to the ragging ginger.

With a click of his tongue chūya glares over at him. "We still need information don't we?let's just beat it out of them"

He smiles leaning forward a bit holding out a lollipop. "Take it chūya-san , I'll take care of it"

"Tch whatever" grabbing the lollipop chūya clicks his tongue leaving out the room.

Kyoyou sighs turning towards the other. "Make sure to get it fast , I don't feel like waiting another hour just for some useless information?" She say's turning and leaving the room.

"Understood ," he flashes a smile. "I don't disappoint any longer"


"Of course ," mori smiles as he pat's velvette's head Reading over the report the boy turned in. "Good job"

he smiles at the praise. "Chūya-san and the others did most of it i just finished it sir"

"Yes yes" mori sighs frowning slightly putting down the papers. "Of course you didn't really do it"

"I- I'll do better boss" mutters velvette.

"I really hope you do" he folds his hnads looking at the child infront of him. "Dont want you to be only useful for that ability of yours" he smiles waving his hand. "Leave now"

"Understood sir"


Osamu whines as he leaves back in his chair , velvette watching him with a plastered smile.

With a sigh Osamu looks over at him. "Velv! Why are kid's so difficult?"

"Hm? Is akutagawa giving you trouble again?" Velvette tilts his head swaying his cup a bit.

Osamu nods. "He's difficult to train i hate it"

"Sorry to hear that" Velvette mutters taking a sip of his cup.

Osamu sits up with a sigh. "Velv I need a hug"

"I don't understand why you need to ask all the time ," he mutters putting down his cup turning his body towards him. "Im ment to follow everyone's orders"

"Is that a yes?"

He sighs opening his arms. "That's a yes"

The other get up sitting in the others lap and wrapping his arms around him.  Osamu sighs resting his head on Velvette's shoulder.

"You should come meet my other friends velv , you need a drink as well"

"Won't I be in the way?" He mutters wrapping his arms around Osamu hesitantly.

"You won't , they don't care" Osamu sighs when the other doesn't respond. "Tomorrow alright? I have a mission alone , you'll come with me and after we'll go to the bar"

He nods. "Alright.. sure then I'll come along"


And just as Osamu said they did , he drags velvette back to the bar they once went a year or so ago.

Osamu smiles as he takes a seat besides a red haired male that looks over at him as he does.

"Hello again dazai"

Osamu smiles at the man , velvette staying by the stairs with a small smile. "Odasaku!" He greets in a happy tone. "I expected you to be here with ango?"

The man , odasaku shakes his head taking a sip of his drink. "No I'm alone," he looks over at velvette turning back to Osamu. "But your not"

Osamu nods calling over the other. "Velv take a seat and order something" he say's , velv doing as he said , turning back to the man. "Oda , velvette , velvette , oda"

Velvette sends the man a smile. "Hello sir"

"Oh hello" the man greets back.


....The night was fun I guess? I guess Osamu enjoyed himself so velvette didn't hate it. Velvette ended heading to his room leaving Osamu with his friend , he felt tired and didn't want to be awake anymore.

He sighs flopping onto his bed , unbothered to not take off his shoes or his coat. Rolling onto his back he huffs taking off his glasses to just look at the ceiling.

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