Seventeen Act 7.0

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Velvette jumps back onto the table. Kicking away a few people he flings his knife , hitting his target.

With a nice cut scream the target falls down. The doors slam open guns starting to fire as velvette jumps around the tables and leaving out the building.

He lands on his feet with a soft click of the heels. He smiles dusting off some dirt off his coat.

With a smiles he turns towards the building waving his hand to single one of the men , they press a button sending the building into flames and eventually explode.

"You know there was still our men in there right?" Kyouou shakes her head as she walks towards him.

With a shrug he responds. "They got out , I made sure to not kill off anyone this mission alright"

"If you say so. Why are you taking on jobs right after you were injured?"

Velvette shrugs. "I'd be bored if I didn't."

"You've already completed more then half of twenty. You've been at this since yesterday afternoon"

Velvette shrugs shoving his hands into their coats pockets.

Kyouou sighs. "Take a break"

"Why? You worried?" He asks making her glare at him.

"No you're just taking money you don't need."

Velvette chuckles. "Right , I'll take a break then , does that do it for you?"

Kyouou nods. With a huff Velvette turns away and leaving , pulling out a lollipop to pop in his mouth.


Velvette ended up taking a few more missions despite telling kyouou he'd take a break. They eventually headed back to their room humming to himself their gloved hands on their hips.

They head into their room , letting a soft sigh of relief as there is no Osamu. He really doesn't want to be questioned or anything right now. He takes off the layers of clothing falling onto his bed fully awake as he stares at the ceiling. He sighs going under the blankets , closing his eyes to get some rest.


He ended up falling asleep for a minute or so , being awoken by a dream terror , he opted to just lay in his bed and read. Oddly enough no one has bothered him not even a small checking in and he doesn't know if he should feel grateful or a bit hurt.

With a sigh he stands up stretching out his arms , putting on his shoes he sighs... he said he was going to take a break but.. he's really bored.

"Are you leaving?"

Startled a bit velvette looks up as Osamu enters his room closing the door. "Weren't you told to take a break from kyouou?"

Velvette frowns. "Why would you know about that osamu?"

"She informed most , you're not going to go out are you?" Osamu steps closer taking off his coat.

"Im bored , unable to sleep" he say's with a sigh and a smile.

"Then let's hang out"

"Do you not have any missions to do?"

"Nope!" Osamu sits down on the bed kicking off his shoes. "Got nothing to do so let's cure both our boredom together"

Velvette nods. "Alright if you're wanting to i shall obey" he mutters with a smiles.

"Great , sadly chuuya is going to join us"

"Why so?"

"I don't want him to die from boredom and" osmau smirks. "He's my dog he should be with his master"

Velvette smiles and sighs. "You also just want to annoy him?"

Osamu grins and nods. "Of course!"

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