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The rain pattered against the smudged and scratched window of the bus in a barrage of harmless strikes as a dull, blurred red light glowed in the distance. I lay with my head to the side and watched each drop impact, and then slide down from their pockmark. The route water droplets take is rarely straight. Maybe it is imperfections in the glass, maybe it is surface tension changing as some of the water is deposited. I'm not sure. They jittered and juttered from left to right, struggling to find the optimum route to a location they haven't yet decided upon. It felt relatable. In life I usually go with the flow but I'm not certain where that is taking me.

My thoughts drifted to last night. My thoughts drifted to Jen's bedroom. My thoughts drifted to Kate. She'd become excited about me and Jen. I was sure that must have been the trigger. Horniness was never such a straight line though. That is especially true for when it triggers you to think about burying your face between a friend's legs while another friend watches.

I shifted in my seat as the bus resumed its journey and laid my head upon my overnight bag. My cheeks puffed as I sunk onto its soft purple surface. The lights had changed, and the droplets were pulled sideways by the movement of the bus but I was still nowhere nearer to understanding what had occurred. I can see inside people's head. I thought I was the one who didn't need to ask, "what were they thinking"! I mean, I know what she was thinking. I know in so much more detail than I ever should. I just didn't know she had any thoughts about the three of us in that way, or any women. It was such a surprise to me. Shouldn't I have picked up on something like that, even without my abilities?

She had seemed rather distant in the morning. I think the other two attributed her mood as the effects of the same hangover Rosy was suffering from but the memories flashing up in her mind told me Kate had something else to focus on. Sexual images didn't flash into her mind when she looked at Rosy though. The girl she had imagined performing oral sex on didn't make her redden, turn away or look down. It was me. It was looking at me that caused those flashes in her mind. It was seeing me that caused that shy, distant reaction. I shouldn't have been able to make those connections. I shouldn't be able to match my role in her fantasy to her reactions to me. I should have only thought she had simply had too much to drink, but instead I knew her thoughts. I had peered into an intimate and private moment that only she should have ever been able to see. It didn't have to mean anything, it was a fantasy spurred on by something she had seen earlier in the day. Could be a one and done sexy bit of fun for her. Yet here I was, trying to figure out what a fantasy I never should have been aware of, meant to me.

I huffed and loudly exhaled as if my breath would expel my confusion out of my body with it. My thoughts had not cleared and I found myself going in circles. Did I truly not know what Kate was thinking? Was I confused and overthinking things? Or did I actually know all too well what she was going through? Could I sympathise with enjoying erotic images in the dark inspired by those who trusted me enough to expose themselves bare before me? I groaned and closed my eyes as the bus transported me closer to home.


"Muuuum, Daaaad? Who's home?" I yelled as I came through the door and slung my bag off my shoulder onto the floor and removed my jacket. A roll and creak of a wheeled chair sounded above me followed by a patter of feet upon the upstairs landing. I undid my boots as I heard them approach and heard the door of the study creak to the right of me. My dad popped to the doorway with his hand gripping a phone while listening intently and gave me a quick smile. I mouthed "Sorry" to him coupled with a small wave and he responded with a friendly but occupied nod as he closed the door lightly and responded to the caller with a quick "Yeah. Makes sense. We can sort that out..."

{GxG} Sexy Time Oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang