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Snow fell gently outside the Dale household creating a white Christmas that was magical and calm for all to see. The early morning sunlight made the ground glisten and sparkle like fairy lights, and frozen spiderwebs shimmered like necklaces freshly unboxed. Two faces looked out of their window across at the bright, snow-covered wonderland that had previously been their sleepy village. The faces excitedly displayed their childish eagerness that had returned to them in the build-up to the festive season. Although they had outgrown a belief in a red-cloaked, jolly figure, the celebratory atmosphere remained deeply ingrained inside them. Maturing beyond their childhood was something both sisters were experiencing intensely this year, but they were quickly snapped back to priorities when they heard rustling from the next room. The two young adults pulled themselves away from witnessing the serene scenery outside and focused on grasping their bundles of presents and their phones, ready to take them into their parent's room and begin the festivities.

They giggled to each other about the secret they shared and exited their room. Pushing the door open, Ivy was the first to pounce on to their parents' double bed with her piles of presents. She rebounded from the bed and her gifts fell into a heap around her as she giggled and surged forward to hug both of her parents.

"Merry Christmas!" Both girls screamed at their parents and the older sister, Holly placed her presents and phone daintily on the bed before leaning in to hug and kiss her mum as Ivy moved to kiss her dad on the cheek and wish him a Merry Christmas. Sitting back and allowing Holly to say good morning to her father, Ivy tugged her green t-shirt dress down over her bare legs from where it had ridden up and adjusted herself, so she was sitting on her heels. Holly joined her at the foot of the bed glancing briefly at the presents piled up next to her parents' bed and smirked at Ivy attempting to get comfortable. Straightening out her jumper and skirt she crossed her legs and perched on the edge of the bed as the family began to talk about how they slept.

Quickly Ivy's eagerness to begin giving out the presents she'd bought with money from her first paid job overwhelmed the others and they set about handing out presents. They started with their parents exchanging presents for each other and the girls gave their presents to both of their parents. That CD Dad really wanted, that new gadget Mum had needed and many more besides. Eventually they moved on to handing out presents for the girls to open. Holly was first, and the eldest daughter was rapidly surround by presents as she moved closer into the middle of the bed. She smiled and screamed at certain presents and laughed at overly wordy cards. She opened one of Ivy's presents to find a very fluffy, red and white Christmas hat.

"You complained last year about not getting one so now you have one!" Ivy said excitedly, grinning at her sister.

"Thanks, sis." She said trying the hat on rolling her eyes.

"Come on, pose for us!" Ivy declared pointing her phone at her from across the room, her finger on the screen.

Holly's face took on an unimpressed look as she tilted her head to the side and modelled for her sister, humouring her picture. Holly quickly and suddenly realised that the glint in her sister's eyes meant that her phone was not currently using the camera app. Ivy's fingers glided across the screen as her sister jumped slightly before recovering control. Their eyes met with a mutual understanding and both began to smile. Ivy aimed her camera phone and moved through various angles to capture her sister in her present. The elder sister jumped, manoeuvred herself, and occasionally squirmed during her impromptu photo shoot before Ivy finished "taking photos" and permitted Holly to open the rest of her gifts. Holly's slightly flushed face and infrequent glances at their parents was the only give away that anything more than Christmas cheer was occurring in the room.

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