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The next morning, I managed to drag myself out of Brianna's arms and showered quickly. I brewed coffee and found some bran in the pantry.

Making up a breakfast tray I carried it into Brianna who was still curled up in bed.

"Wakey, wakey sleepyhead, you have work to do." I burbled.

She stretched out her arms from below the covers and yawned, "If you are going to be one of those slave driver editors then I may need to look at our arrangements."

"Oh, shut up!" I snapped as I plonked the tray down on her lap, "And don't think you are going to get this service every morning either."

She grinned, "Oh this isn't what I had in mind for this morning, I wanted to wake up with your sexy lips kissing my pussy, I wanted to wake with your tongue inside me... fucking me."

I giggled blushing, her words both arousing and embarrassing, especially embarrassing was my reaction to hearing them.

She sat lifted her coffee to her lips and sipped, "Perfect, just the way I like it."

Sitting on the bed I whispered, "Before we start work, could you drive me into town to pick up Debbie?"

She waved me away, "You don't need me for that, you can drive yourself."

"But my car's in your garage."

"Charlotte, don't be an idiot, the reason we brought the car is so you will have transport, I mean I could teach you to ride the bike, but not this morning, today I want to start back on my novel, I have lots of ideas."

She reached for my hand, "I want you to feel at home, not like a prisoner, or my employee. Use the car."

Unsure about the next bit, "Are you sure you will be OK if I bring Debbie back here? I mean it won't interfere with your writing?"

"Debbie is welcome, but I won't put up with her being rude to me, in your house it was different, but here...this is our place, and she will need to be respectful."

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way."

I dressed quickly and picked up the keys to Brianna's little convertible. As I cruised out onto the highway, I again enjoyed the car. Although it was a little brusque, I stopped to fold down the roof. The music loud, the roof down I felt like a special woman, my whole body tingled with excitement."

Pulling up outside Lyndsay's house I got a feeling of panic, what if she had seduced Debbie, taken advantage of her, god did her parents know about John and I, what would they say?

Knocking on the door I got that sense of apprehension, but my heart raced when Debbie pulled open the door and fell into my arms, "Mum, thank god you're here."

She dragged me inside, Lyndsay was at the table, they were apparently in the midst of breakfast. Lyndsay stood up and walked over to greet me, she puled me into a tight embrace and kissed me on the cheek, "Hi Charlotte... do you mind if I call you by name?"

My voice fluttered and I breathed uncomfortably, "No, that's fine. Where are your parents?"

She grinned, "They have already gone to work."

Debbie finished her breakfast, Lyndsay made me a fresh cup of tea and I sat with them, "Debbie, if you could gather your things you can come with me, if that's what you want."

She nodded, "Thanks mum, dad's been a real pain. All he does is moan and bitch about you, I'm trying to help him, to support him because he is in such a dark place, but honestly, he is saying some nasty things. You know he told gran about your affair."

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