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I met Kellie in college. We played on the volleyball team together and practically became inseparable from the moment we met. We did everything together. Studied, worked out, went to parties, we were always together. She was a knockout, but I didn't see her like "that". I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had, and she had a boyfriend anyway. I was really quiet about my sexuality in college, not really sure what or who I was after...just more about enjoying my 20's.

So roughly ten years later, when Kellie was getting married, of course I made the trip to Chicago to watch her walk down the aisle. And it's not like I had much better to do. I was still single, despite having dated. I had a fairly concrete but boring job as a pharmacist. I figured why not go? Plus, I'd never been to Chicago and it was the perfect excuse.

I flew in the night before, but planned on staying a week to explore all that Chicago has to offer. I stayed at the Marriott, where the wedding was being held. It was nice to not have to worry about traffic or where I was going.

If I'm being honest, I hate weddings. Sure, I was happy to go for my friend. But I wasn't a fan of everything else that went with them. All the men hitting on me. All the questions about how I was still single, who I was seeing and what not. The small talk in got old fast. Over the years though, I learned a trick. I brought my trusty fake wedding ring and made sure it sparkled. Who would've known how quickly it put all of that to rest.

I stood fairly tall at 5'10. Dark red hair down to my shoulders, naturally straight. My skin was pale and lightly freckled. I wore a fairly tight fitting, shiny, black dress, complete with a slit that came up to my upper thigh. It had short sleeves and a fairly deep "v" cut in the front, showing what I thought to be just the right amount of cleavage. I got my boobs done shortly after college. They weren't obviously fake by any means. But now they were a very perky C cup, like I'd always wanted.

The wedding went quickly. A brief ceremony, complete with simple vows, some "I do's", and a kiss to complete it. It was exactly what I had expected from Kellie. With close to 250 in attendance, it took a while to clear out the room and make our way to the reception. I snuck out the back quickly to make my way to the bar in the reception hall. I knew I would need a drink before sitting down at the single's table. The dreaded single's table.

It took close to a half hour for everyone to fill in. I grabbed my name card that directed me to table 34. Of course it was empty. I set my purse down and wandered around to see if I knew anyone. And of course I didn't, but I wasn't too excited about the idea of sitting at a table alone either. I made my way back eventually, and to my surprise saw a full table. My one spot left. Right between two old guys. My luck.

I sat down with a fake smile and proceeded to make small talk with Jim, on my right. A retired police officer. And Frank on my left, a doctor. There wasn't a chance I was going to tell him I was in the medical field too. I simply told them about my imaginary husband, Steve, and that I was a housewife. I couldn't eat fast enough before I got up and went to the bar, ordering a second gin and tonic.

After only about five minutes I heard a voice, "Looks like you got quite the nice seating arrangement there..." she said with a laugh. "To be fair, mine wasn't much better. But I felt pretty bad for you..."

I turned around to see the brunette that happened to be sitting all the way across the table from me. Too far to carry on any sort of conversation, but we had definitely exchanged a few glances as the dinner went on.

With a surprised look I turned around, "Oh God..." I laughed a little when I saw her. "That was painful, but I made it. They were pleasant and all, I just..." I trailed off a little.

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