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In Hunter Thompson's parents bedroom, Chelsea, clad in a Little Bow Peep costume including pink capped sleeves and a petticoat, stared Mariah down in her Hooter's costume utterly at loss for words. Yes Mariah was a sporty dykey loser, her hair was too long and thick, her freckles too pronounced... her eyes were too bright, and she filled out the Hooter's costume like she owned the place.

Chelsea had kissed... a lot of guys. And actually quite a few of girls. She'd only slept with one, that would be Trevor, not like he offered her the same courtesy she was just a notch on his belt. But she was a cheerleader and homecoming queen, things had up until this moment just kind of fell into place for Chelsea.

And yet the way Mariah had grasped and held and treasured her... it was like nothing Chelsea had ever experienced in her entire life. She had entered that closet with every intention of ripping Mariah's head off; to have the drunken throw down she had been craving, and instead her own heart had been ripped out and offered back for the taking.

Mariah fought the urge to wring her hands as she stood under Chelsea's inspection. Even in that ridiculously stupid costume complete with thigh high stockings and crooked bows, with her rosy cheeks and glittering blue eyes and heaving chest from breathlessness, Chelsea was the most gorgeous person she had ever laid eyes on. And Mariah was terrified she was about to be punished for realizing that.

"Uhm, so... this is the thing Chelsea. I've like, never kissed anyone before? Like, EVER... in my life."

Chelsea felt her mouth drop open and was sure she looked like a stupid ventriloquist doll. How could someone who kissed like, that....

"Uhm, yeah like no that was completely unexpected... " Chelsea stammered back.

But as they were both searching for words they were also both taking slow tentative steps toward each other. Like two magnets that suddenly had their poles realigned to gravitate towards instead of against.

"Would it be crazy, to ask you to teach me?"

"Well if you want someone to practice with..."

Though they spoke at the same time, interrupting each other, excitement and adrenaline became palpable in the room.

Jumping into her usual role of bossing everyone around, Chelsea took the lead.

"Umm... why don't you go sit over there, on the floor on the far side of the bed." Chelsea pointed to a spot in front of the night stand, with a wall on one side and the king size bed on the other.

Yes, it was fucked up. They were in a locked room and there was no way anyone was walking in on them again. Besides, they had already been discovered wrapped around each other in the closet by God knows who...

But if she was going to kiss a girl again, if she was going to do more than kissing a girl which she definitely intended to do..... she didn't want to be easily discoverable. It was instinctual, she couldn't help it.

Mariah was more than happy to follow orders and dropped to the ground near the wall, her legs tucked underneath her to the side. Chelsea delicately lowered herself facing her, in a mirror position with her legs tucked under her as well.

"I'm just going to kiss you and I don't want you to question anything. Just keep doing what you did in the closet, but also... this doesn't mean anything and I'm strickly dickly. I'm straight, got it?" Chelsea's tone was a little gruffer than she would have preferred, but some ground rules needed to be established given how quickly things progressed between the two of them.

Eyes as wide as fried eggs, Mariah visibly swallowed as she nodded. She looked just as freaked out as Chelsea felt. Before either of them could bring up a reason to question this or a reason to not do this, Chelsea leaned forward, placing her hand on Mariah's neck at the back of her head, and covered her lips with her own. The sigh that escaped from Mariah... or was that Chelsea sighing, was one of relief.

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