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It had been a long day.

We had just finished doing a car wash for charity and had spent the entire day in bikinis in 90 degree heat.

As soon as the event was done, Tiffany suggested we go back to her place and hit the pool. Janelle and I accepted gladly, but the rest of our cheerleading squad decided it had been a long day and it was time to go home.

I had just moved here at the beginning of my senior year, moving in with my dad when my mom had gotten way too intense. Thankfully, Tiffany and the other cheerleaders had invited me onto their team with open arms.

I had only been to Tiffany's house a few times and had found her mother to be simply an older version of Tiffany. She was also very touchy-feely, which sometimes made me feel uncomfortable. She hugged me every time she saw me, her breasts squeezing into mine. I couldn't explain it, but there was just something odd about her.

That said, I was dying to jump into the pool and once I was in there I wasn't sure I would ever leave it,

After an hour of cooling down in the pool, we had dinner on the patio. Tiffany's mom Rachel barbecued burgers and corn on the cob for us.

In spite of my occasional discomfort around her, Mrs. Steele was a cool, hip mom, even allowing us to drink at her home, always insisting that it was better to drink in safety than at some crowded party that who-knows-who might crash.

We then went back into the pool for a while.

Then we decided to hit the hot tub; Rachel was already waiting for us.

She was almost like one of us girls, and we chatted away about boys and sex with her right there. She also had no problem chipping in... she was even asking each of us (rather intimate) questions about our sex life.

"So girls, what is 'in' nowadays: swallowing or facials?" Tiffany's mom asked out of the blue.

It had been a long day.

I gasped.

Janelle, not fazed at all by the blunt question, countered, "What was popular when you were our age, Rachel?"

"Yeah, back in the 60s," Tiffany teased her mother.

"You naughty little bitch," Rachel scolded with a smile, before adding, "back in the 80s," she stressed the decade, "it was swallowing."

"Did you swallow a lot of cum?" Janelle asked.

"I don't remember ever refusing a load," Rachel bragged proudly.

"Slut," Tiffany called her mother playfully.

"I do remember taking at least one load in my cunt," Rachel retorted, before joking, "I probably should have swallowed that one too."

"Mother!" Tiffany mock gasped.

"Swallowing is great birth control," the mother pointed out, giving my leg a squeeze.

"But a facial is good for your complexion," Janelle pointed out... something I had never heard before.

"That's why I have such a great complexion," Tiffany smiled, rubbing her hand over her very pretty face as if she were applying a lotion. I surreptitiously studied Tiffany's mom for a moment. She was obviously unfazed by the revelation.

"I wondered whether it had shifted to facials," Rachel mused, before turning to me. "So, Miranda, swallow or facial?"

I had only ever been all the way with two guys and had sucked two more. Both times I had just sucked for a while, then jerked them off. I had swallowed once, but it had tasted gross... and I had never even considered a facial! I answered, "Neither."

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