CH-24 [M]

540 24 51


Mature scene


Minji placed a plate in front of Yoohyeon, the silver haired girl started eating the noodles, they had become her favourite over time, Minji's cooking was the only taste she liked, the noodles which she hated everywhere else she would go.

Minji had changed that about her, she would only eat the noodles cooked from Minji's hand.

Yoohyeon looked at Minji and gave her a thank you.

"I'll call dad, he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday...-"

She felt Yoohyeon's hand over her wrist, stopping her from getting up.

"I want to talk to you."

"I'll first call him, then we can talk." Minji spoke.

Yoohyeon let her hand go.


Jiham joined them and Yoohyeon would try her best to avoid his gaze, it was actually disgusting.

It was just a guess that he had an affair with Victoria but if he really did, it made Yoohyeon feel disgusted towards him.

Minji took great care of Jiham as they both kept talking with each other, Minji gave few confusing looks to Yoohyeon for not talking with Jiham so Yoohyeon started talking to him.


"What was it?" Minji spoke taking a last bite of the perfectly cooked rice.


"You wanted to talk..."

"Yeah! Let's go on a date... I'll take a leave today, you should too." Yoohyeon spoke.

Minji stared at Yoohyeon from head to toe, they rarely go out since they both like staying at home with eachother.

"C'mon Minji, I wanna spend some time with you!" Yoohyeon placed her hand over Minji's forearm.

Minji gave her a nod.

They hugged each other after their breakfast and left for their work.


[Yoohyeon's POV]

Once I reached at the company, I informed Victoria that i will be leaving early.

I shouldn't waste time, It's going to be hard for me to convince Minji.

I am still not able to convince her to swallow my cum, I can't imagine convincing her that her dad is actually a bad person.

She's his daughter, but me a fucking stranger couldn't believe that Jiham had some dark secrets. He is really good at hiding it.

It's difficult, but it needs to be done.

Mirae might be a bully or a girl who used to harrass her parent's employees but she didn't deserve what she got.

I have seen her last moment, her dead body with my own eyes and it's enough to make me vomit.

Now I want to slap myself for always blaming my shitty life on her.

Poor Mirae, she didn't deserve that and her real murderer needs to be inside the fucking jail.

I'm going to beat the hell out of that person, they took away my pride and my job by accusing me, i will atleast land them a strong punch and can do a little justice to my past self.

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