CH-14 [M]

695 35 13


Mature scene ahead


Turning the cold shower on, Minji got inside the washroom with her, naked.

She helped Yoohyeon in removing her clothes, Yoohyeon opened her mouth to take in the cold water, "My throat is burning." She whispered closing her eyes, she brushed her face with her hands before looking back at Minji who was standing, leaning back on the wall, crossing her arms, watching her.

"You did it because i didn't pick up your calls." Said Yoohyeon, still not believing Minji.

"There is one more reason which i don't want to tell you."  Minji spoke.

Yoohyeon ran her fingers through her hair, "What reason?" She asked.

Minji shook her head slightly as no.

"Did I do something?" Asked the silver haired girl, pointing at herself, she thought about it for awhile and what could have actually hurt Minji that she had to put hot sauce into her noodles.

Yoohyeon couldn't think of anything, she saw Minji walking towards her.

Minji held her wrists, "Have you ever lied to me?" Asked Minji.

"Yes, before we were in a relationship i used to say that i killed Mirae but i didn't." Yoohyeon admitted with a small nod.


[Minji's POV]

"Not that!" I rolled my eyes at her, "Have you ever lied about your life or love life to me?" I asked her, directly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "No... I don't think so." She whispered.

"I want to know about your past work." I spoke.

I do know it was going to be hard for her but now i needed to know because i had so many doubts swirling inside my heart.

We started our relationship on nothing, I didn't had any proof of where she used to live or from where she did her education and i started liking her just because she wanted to die.

How dumb can i be.

But maybe I'm not dumb, she is genuine in whatever she says or does so why the fuck am i doubting our bond.

"Speak." I whispered, she took alot of time.

"I don't want to discuss my past, especially me being in the police department..." She whispered with a disappointing tone.

I was going to come off as a bitch but seriously i need to know whatever she had with Mihi.

I can't let that go.

"I don't care. I want to know about about your work there and how everyone used to treat you." I spoke.

She released a slight gasp not believing the way i was behaving, "You're being rude." She whispered, "Let's end this conversation..." She whispered and wrapped her arms around me, "I don't want to discuss those days." She spoke, her arms were wrapped around my waist as her chin rested over my shoulder.

"Please..." She whispered, hugging me closer.


"Please..." Yoohyeon whispered, hugging Minji closer.

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