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Yoohyeon woke up when the phone beside her started ringing, she placed the phone over her ear, without opening her eyes.


"Where are you? Today is our important meeting..."

Yoohyeon figured out Luda's voice.

She wondered who was going to be the new person who will handle the company since Mija was out of the frame.

"I thought Minji will give one day holiday..."

"Are you serious? What is this? School? Her mom's affair doesn't stop the work. So be here on time."

"How do you know!?"

"Everyone knows, there are people who like to talk about Minji and her family, it includes some of her bodyguards and drivers who are friends with the staff here..."

"Okay... Bye..."

"Be here as soon as possible. The new boss is Minji's friend and she won't cut slack for you, since Minji must've given permission for her to act equally with everyone. Get up from your bed right now, because an hour has already passed..."

"An hour!?" Yoohyeon jumped on the spot, she disconnected Luda's call and started walking towards the washroom taking her clothes from the closet.


Yoohyeon walked outside in a hurry to see Minji sitting over the chair, eating her breakfast.

She walked towards her, "Why didn't you wake me up. I'm late for my work..." Yoohyeon spoke.

"Can't you put an alarm?" Minji looked up at her.

"I forgot Minji..."

"Not my concern." Minji replied, facing her phone again.

Yoohyeon decided to leave without responding to Minji, she knew it would take a form of another argument between them if she stayed.


Yoohyeon hurriedly walked outside of the car and paced inside the company, taking the elevator, she waited nervously for her floor to arrive.

Once out of the elevator, she ran towards the room.

Opening the door, she was met with a new face and other employees, who stared at her for being extremely late.

Yoohyeon looked at Luda who smiled at her.

"Welcome Yoohyeon..."

The silver haired girl looked at the woman who placed her hands over the table, stopping the presentation.

"Sorry, there was a... Traffic." Yoohyeon spoke with an awkward smile.

"Oh. That's a big concern, i should send you my own car to take you up from your mansion so that you'll be here in few minutes..." The black haired woman taunted Yoohyeon with a smile.

"No ma'am, I'm sorry for being late..." Yoohyeon gave her a bow.

"Sit." She spoke, her smile was gone.

Yoohyeon walked towards her seat, beside Luda who already told everyone not to sit beside her, she wanted to save one seat for Yoohyeon.

"Don't mind her." Luda spoke in a whisper. Yoohyeon hummed with a smile and they focused on the meeting.


"Her name is Victoria. She is Minji's childhood friend..." Luda spoke, she took a bite of her burger and waited for Yoohyeon to finish her bite so that she can speak.

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