THICC Mikasa Ackerman (Shingeki no Kyojin) {Reupload)

Start from the beginning

"So what're you doing around the boy's barracks? Meeting up with someone?" You would question, your head tilting to the side ever so slightly in some interest; to your surprise though the raven haired girl actually gained a tin of pink on her cheeks and look away from you, and you swore that if she wore her scarf she would've pulled it up to cover the lower half of her face.

"Well, I had to take care of something...personal..." She told you, making you blink and nod in understanding. You may be curious but you didn't want to pry into what could be a serious and, from he looks of it, embarrassing matter.

Helps your arousal and exhaustion was at the center part of your mind.

"A huh. Well I'll leave you to your devices then, night." You said, pushing your arousal down as your exhaustion came back bit by bit. Your hand was at the door, ready to open it and black out on your bed but would stop when you felt a hand on your arm; this made you blink, looking to the hand then to the person who held it and seeing Mikasa look at you with a pretty serious look on her face.

"Actually now that your here you could help me. Can you meet me outside the base...alone?"




Any exhaustion you had was pushed down right after that question.

"I'm right behind you." You replied, focusing directly on her which got you to witness the grey eyed female give you a small smile

"Great, follow me." She said, walking past you and going down the hall you both were in. However to your complete surprise you would see Mikasa bite her lip ever so slightly before walking off, walking down the hall with a slight sensual sway to her hips; this made you blink, rub your eyes only to see her not doing said action and walking as usual, confusing you to all hell.

"Oh tiredness and arousal is working together..." You thought to yourself before hurrying after Mikasa, though you kept a pretty close eye and focus on her over anything else around you


"Umm, are you certain coming out here in the dead of night is a good idea?" You'd question, kicking away a nearby branch that nearly tripped you

"Yes, nobody should be able to interrupt us here." She would reply, making you even more curious than before at what she could want. The two of you were already pretty deep into the nearby forest surrounding your training corps and you were sure if it wasn't for the moon above there would be next to no light in the forest around you both. Great place for sneaking, horrible for sight sometimes unless it was during the day.

You still wasn't sure why Mikasa brought you out here, and any attempt to ask why was usually shot down with a blank "you'll see" from the Ackerman. It slightly annoyed you, but the prospect of what could happen and what lied ahead pushed the negative feeling down and you continued on your journey through the forest. This would prove useful as after another 5 minutes of walking she would stop, prompting you to do the same as you watch the girl in front of you turning towards you.

"Do you mind going up against that tree?" She would ask, confusing you

"Umm, sure thing." You said as you walked over the the thick tree facing the two of you. You couldn't help but question what was going through her head as she wanted you up against the tree; sure some less than safe subconsciously came to mind but overall you couldn't tell what she could want you to do, but since you already walked here you might as well did what she asked. So standing back faced to the tree and wincing slightly at the bark pressing against your skin, you would stare right at the black haired girl in front of you in curiosity.

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