Mikasa Ackerman (Shingeki no Kyojin) {Reupload}

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With the Reader:

"You know...nothing interesting really happens here."

This was obviously you, sitting in the middle of your classroom barely paying attention to the lesson of your teacher for the reason that you just wasn't. You currently rethinking your life choices as you spun your pencil around. You see EVERYTIME you weren't in school something amazing would always happen! Like a fight, some class having an orgy, some girl losing her clothes towards the end of the day, some guy losing his towards the end, the quiet kid beating some bullies head in with a pipe, or a lone of people making out with the local tree! You had enough of missing out on the fun stuff!

So that brought you to where you are now in your classroom...bored as all hell. Whenever you weren't in school you missed something but whenever you were here NOTHING HAPPENS! It annoyed you to no end so at the moment you just played with your pencil and waited for the bell to ring, not noticing the person sitting next to you staring at you.

Finally the bell rings, in which most rush out the door to get to their next class while you had a free and decided to spend it doing one thing...read manga. So getting up and slinging your bag over your shoulder and walk out of the class and through the hallways, unknowingly being followed by a fellow classmate.


Sitting down at a table, you at in the school's library as you flipped through the manga "World's End Harem"-something you don't you got from your very special manga dealer-as you read through it. Its been most of your free period through reading this manga and after this you had P.E. then you were done for the day. Though a ton of people had clubs or hanged out a bit on campus so you weren't gonna rush to get out, as your fellow roommates Jean and Connie were gonna go out with Sasha and co. later; you've never really hung their other friends, though whenever you did it was a really fun time...especially whenever Eren got into a game of laser tag...

So anyways as you sat reading manga you were interrupted by a hand on your shoulder; blinking, you look up with a blank face before looking confused as none other than Mikasa Ackerman stood above you.

"Can I speak to you privately?" She asked, her signature scarf touching against your face as you motion towards your manga

"Reading something...but fuck it, sure." You reply, making her smile a little before turning away from you

"Follow me." She says as she walks off, you following soon after

At this moment you guys were walking along the back of the library with a large bookshelf right next to you, preventing anyone to see or even hear what could happen in this back. As this happens you couldn't help but admire Mikasa's...form. She had shoulder length raven hair and grey eyes that you had to admit was beautiful, and from seeing her work out before she was pretty toned, abs and all; though what really got the attention of your more perverse side was her relatively big breasts that were pressed against her school shirt and her renowned ass that was a topic among your grade. Honestly you thought anybody lucky to land her was...well lucky, but now you wondered but what she wan-

"Lets have sex."

...You didn't expect this.

You stopped suddenly, blinking in surprise as she stopped and turned to face you casually, though she had a light blush on her face that you found adorable.

"...Mind to repeat that? Unless I'm dreaming, having a drug trip, or both I believe you just asked me to fuck you?" You ask as she nodded

"Yes, I did ask to have sex with you." She replies as you nod

"Good good I thought I was hearing things. Now for the next question that may or may not decide my answer, why?" You question, not understanding anything but keeping calm as she pushes her scarf up her face

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons Galore!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora