THICC Mikasa Ackerman (Shingeki no Kyojin) {Reupload)

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With the Reader:

*Pant* *Pant* Pant*

"I can't...hold out...much longer..." You thought to yourself, your body heaving with pants as you walked down the halls of the the 104th training camp, her side to the wall as you basically forced yourself down the halls to get to your room. It was late at night so thankfully nobody was up, and by the off chance they were they were likely busy with their own affairs; although none of this mattered to you as you just wanted to get to your bunk and sleep off your tiredness.

Now you may be wondering why you were so exhausted to the point you were about to pass out in the hallway? Well the reason was because you had just got back from running and training for the past 5 hours, per orders of Shadis due to you being unfocused during the training and fighting sessions earlier in the day. The reasons as for why you wouldn't share with anyone, but let it be known they were very distracting that you were sure others took a look as well but was better at hiding it than you...

...Or they didn't notice. Either was highly possible really.

"Just a few more feet..." You mumbled out to yourself, nearly slipping to the floor from your exhaustion. It had gotten to the point you began to mentally cheer yourself on with miniature versions of yourself, your friends, and a girl in a cheerleader outfit or whatever your corps version of that was.

"I'm here!" You mentally exclaimed, a happy and relieved smile forming on your face that only widened as the second went by. You could finally sleep, and relax your body until you had to wake up for training tomorrow and hopefully not get distracted tomorrow! Times were great-

"Oh Y/n, I didn't know you were out this late."

You didn't know if times just got better or worse.

The voice made you stumble forward, the voice of the one who had been the one to distract you ringing in your ears and through your body as you looked up to view them. They were a girl, one that reached up to your chin along with pale skin and black hair that reached her shoulders and grey eyes; she currently wore the standard corps white shirt and grey pants, having forgone the jacket and strappings earlier as she tried to get more comfortable, though she had kept the boots for the reason of walking around if you had to guess. Though as you stared at the girl her...assets began to become more visible, her curves straining against her clothing to where you were sure her chest was threatening to burst from her shirt.

This was Mikasa Ackerman, currently leading the 104 in her ranking and your sparring partner for training sessions during the day for the past week and a half. However throughout that time you couldn't get her sexiness out of your mind due to how close you were now to her during the day compared to others; from how her body moved whenever you fought or stretched, or just trained in general. Doesn't help she was adorable as all hell when she doesn't got her blank face on, though in your opinion she looked cute with it too. This all would lead to a lack in your performance, and it seems Shadis took notice and punished you for this after a week of watching. Regardless though that was in the past, and what happens now was happening as you stared at the girl in shock, your arousal beginning to grow and rise above your exhaustion.

"Shit shit shit! Stay down! Bad dick bad!" You thought to yourself in a panic, a bead of sweat rolling down your face as your dick grew and hardened to the point it was threatening to tear through your pants; you didn't know how she always managed to get you so aroused, but you could only guess it's been because you haven't jerked off in over a month due to being busy, and that added to her current outfit surely wasn't helping.

"Oh hey Mikasa, funny seeing you around." You tried to play off, shifting your body ever so slightly to make sure she didn't notice your raging member in your pants, and was gave a mental sigh of relief when she just nodded a bit

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