Kotone (Overflow) {Reupload}

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With the Reader:


Kotone would watch in surprise at the actions in front of her, with you laid out on the ground staring at the ceiling and a semi-blank look on your face with many different stuff from food and drinks on your outfit, staining it and messing you up. For those questioning how this transpired...it happened because Kotone had brought in the food you ordered but somehow a random object blocked her path and made her trip, the bag flinging onto your face and knocking you back as the table rose and spilled the drinks on you.

It was weird.

"You know...when you invited me here I didn't expect this." You remark plainly, making the female still in surprise look at you as her eyes widen

"Sorry!" She before rushing somewhere

"Follow me!" She tells you, making you slowly rise as you follow

After a while of going through the empty house-her siblings was out doing some stuff you weren't interested in- you both had made it to her bathroom, Kotone having already had the water running. You saw what she was doing and just began to strip, revealing your moderately toned body and your member which was beginning to stand up to attention; the black haired girl would turn towards you, blushing a bit as she laid eyes on your form and looked away from you.

"Well, I'll leave you to this then." She says, about to exit the room though you grab her by her hand last second

"Wanna join?" You simply as, turning towards her as she gives you a surprised look before a smile appears on her face

"Sure." She says, making you nod as you casually walk over towards the tub and take a dip, relaxing in the water as you hear the sound of clothes dropping

Looking to your side, your heart would burst at the pure sight of the sexiness yet cuteness in that general direction. You see Kotone was in a black bra and panties, yet it shined a bit and was tight enough to the point you saw her pussy slightly if you looked and her nipples poking from under the top a bit; all this while she had a smile on her face and hands behind her back, which made you damn near blush from just look.

...If you've seen the hentai you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Pushing her hair from her face, she would walk over towards the tub and got inside, back up against your chest as she closed her eyes with a pleasant smile, you looking away a bit as you relaxed. Though...not even long later because of the sheer happening your little friend would begin to harden in between Kotone's thighs; you knew she felt it, your member growing to the point the head was resting against her stomach pretty casually after all and the twitch she gave. You tried to think unsexy thoughts, but the incredibly sexy girl on your dick didn't help as you saw Kotone turn her head a bit.

"U-Umm...Is your..." She gets out, blush on her face and hair covering her eyes

"Yeah, just try to ignore it..." You tell her, though it didn't work as your dick just thickened and grew a bit more on her

"Maybe I should..." Kotone starts as she tries standing, but slips a bit and lands back on your, dick rubbing against her back as the black haired female let out a cute yet sexy noise




"...Kotone...This isn't gonna work doing nothing." You tell her bluntly, serious look on your face as she turned towards you, blush and a nervous expression on her own face

"W-What should we do..." Kotone asks, not wanting to get up in case of a repeat

"We're gonna have to deal with it, so either you get ready or look away as I will jerk off." You tell her, making her blush a bit before and cover her chest slightly before rising up

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