Fate Of Daedalus.

Start from the beginning

His Origin was 'Vainglory'

It's obvious what it's meant to do.

Fortunately, he managed to rein it all in the last few years, taking care of his son. He doesn't want to show him this horrid thing Icarus call 'Father'.

This day is particularly stressing itself. Perdix dare to think he's actually that great? He's the one who taught him!! He dare to steal the glory from him?! Him, Daedalus?! How foolish! He'll show him who is the greatest Inventor!

Daedalus rubbed his temples. 'Its alright. I'll just see Perdix Invention, then go home to Icarus Smile.'

Nothing's more important than Icarus....

Nothing is more important than his son.

Nothing is...


Daedalus arrived at the area where the exhibition will be held. It's the Acropolis in Athens, around the North. It's a High-Mid Peak that a person standing on it can see all Athens and on the other side of the Acropolis is nothing. Like the Acropolis ended there, so there's nothing. Well...other than a landslide....I guess? The Acropolis is huge, standing on it. You can't see the ground on the other side.

It's so—

"Hey, look. Is that Daedalus?"

"Don't tell me he's sulking because he got surpassed by his own student."


'Its alright, I won't be long. I'll go as soon as the invention is presented.'

Daedalus clenched his hand hard into fists.
He grinded his teeth as veins pooped on his face.

He walked, climbing the stairs that lead to the peak of the Peak... —A/N: *Laughs nervously*—

The people around gathered when they saw Perdix walking around with a black blanket covering something rectangular underneath.

Daedalus took a seat, decided to hear the 'Greatest Invention' that his student created.

Daedalus has to admit, his student created some nifty things over the years. Such as the Compass and lathe.

But— Daedalus felt a burning sense of envy in his chest.

Anyhow, The exhibition started.

"Greetings, Dear Athenians!" Perdix voice boomed around the Acropolis.

"First, I'd like to tell you how my invention came to be."

"It was an ordinary day. While I walking on the seashore, I had picked up the spine of a fish or was it a serpent's jaw? Can't remember right. Anyway by Imitating it, I took a piece of iron and notched it on the edge, thus inventing my creation."

The crowd 'oohed' when they heard Perdix say that. They were all waiting eagerly for the reveal of the invention. Except for one, Daedalus. He felt an a extremely amount of dread when he heard his student say that.

"I know I've taken some of your time away but I promise you'll be rewarded!" Perdix continued.

Perdix paused to built anticipation.

"Now! I represent to you— The Saw!"

Perdix removed the cloth obscuring the creation and letting the crowd feast their eyes on his invention.

The crowd clapped but they were confused as what the invention do.

"Now, now. I know you may be confused but witness this."

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