How is it like being a bodyguard?

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"Hey Scara, I just realized something..."

He looks at you and he raises an eyebrow. He seems to be waiting for you to explain something.
"Okay... what is it that you've realized?"....

"It's been a month that I hired you already, here is your payment for this month." You hand Scara 5000 mora.

He is surprised by the mora you give him...
"Woah! Hey, y/n... you really didn't have to do this. You don't have to pay me, you know."
He looks at the mora in his hand.
"But, if you insist... thank you for paying me."
He smiles at her as he puts the mora into his pocket and he looks back at her.
"So... if I'm getting paid then... then does that mean we'll still be working together next month too?"

"You know I have to pay you, you're my bodyguard after all, it's your job.
And of course, if you want, we will keep working together." You smiled.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. I just don't want you to feel like you have to pay me. If you didn't want me to be your bodyguard anymore, then I would understand."
He chuckles a little.
"Anyway, I'm glad to still be your bodyguard into the future. I enjoy protecting you and I enjoy working for you. So, yes, I would like to keep working with you."

"Of course I would want you as my bodyguard, you do an amazing job. And don't feel like that, every client of yours paid you, right? It wouldn't be different this time."

He smiles at you again.
"Yes... you're right. It's not different. As long as the work is done... then payment needs to be made."
He chuckles a little bit.
"Well then, as long as you keep me hired as your bodyguard, then I will keep protecting you. Is that all right?"
He smiles at you again and he holds his hands out.
"I hope I will be able to continue doing a good job and I certainly hope I can continue keeping you safe from harm."

"I'm sure you'll be able to continue like this. I'm grateful I hired you." You smiled at him.

He looks down and he blushes as you compliments him.
"Ah... heh... you don't need to say that. I'm just doing my job."
He smiles and he touches your cheek gently.
"I'm glad you're satisfied with my work. I'm glad I can be useful to you."
He laughs a little bit.
"My ego doesn't need that much of a boost. I'm okay with you being grateful... even better if you don't really have to be. I want you to be happy, that's all."

"You're very cute when you blush." You laughed a little bit.

"Ahh! Wh-what do you mean by that?!"
He looks back at you and he's completely flushed, he looks very embarrassed.
"I... I'm not cute when I blush!"
He looks away from you and he seems to want to get away from you.
"S-stop saying that!"

"You look even more cute when you're embarrassed! Hehe" You found it silly and cute.

"Ahh! A-ahhhh! W-what are you doing? I'm not cute, and I'm not embarrassed..."
He tries to walk away from you, but you comes up right in front of him and you smile.

"You're so cute like this, Scara. I love watching you when you get embarrassed like this."

He looks away from you and he tries to avoid looking at you. He's completely red and his cheeks are burning.

You laugh "Don't be like that! Awww"

"H-ha... I'm not like that..."
He looks towards the floor and he seems very embarrassed, he can't look back at you.
"Aww... stop it. Stop calling me cute because that's not me... I'm not cute."
He reaches out and he tries to cover his face with his arm. He's still embarrassed. He looks like he just wants to hide his face and he wants the ground to swallow him.

You date your bodyguard [Reader x Scaramouche]Where stories live. Discover now