Casino cheating

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After a few days, you see Scaramouche once again walking down the street. This time, he seems a little bit more relaxed and he seems to be less on edge than he was before. He seems to be in a relatively good mood, but you notice that he's still a little bit cautious and he seems to be paying a lot of attention to his surroundings. As he walks by, he stops and he seems to recognize you. He smiles a little bit at you and he stops to face you.
"Hey, how are you? It's good to see you again."

"I'm good. I missed you so much, you're still my bodyguard, right?"

"Of course. I'm still here to protect you, anytime you need me."
He smiles at you and he seems to be glad to see you again.
"So what's been going on with you lately? Did you have any other run-ins with those assassins?"

You laugh as your hear him say that. "Hahaha, no I haven't. I've just been in my room eating noodles."

He chuckles a little bit and he seems to find your answer amusing.
"Just sitting around, eating noodles? That doesn't sound very exciting, you know. You should get out there and do something interesting."

He sounds playful and he seems to be teasing you a little bit. He seems to be in a pretty good mood and he seems happy to see you again, but he also seems a little bit concerned about your boring routine.

"Well I just don't see anything interesting to do..." You say that with a boring voice, you missed Scara.

"Well, we could always get into trouble together. Maybe that would make things a little bit interesting for you."
He grins a little bit and he seems to be teasing you again, but he also seems like he might genuinely want to go along with your suggestion. He is up for some fun and he seems pretty excited about the idea of doing something a little bit wild. He is a little bit bored with his routine as well, so he seems to be eager to get up to some mischief with you.

"If you would like so, then surely, I'm up to it. What do you have in mind?" You asked curious to Scara, you really wanted to know what he had in mind.

He seems a little bit excited and he looks at you with a mischievous smile.
"How about some illegal gambling? I heard there's a secret casino around here. I'm sure we could get into some real trouble there."
He sounds completely serious about his suggestion and he seems to actually be pretty excited about the whole idea. He is really up for doing something a little bit illegal and he looks ready to get involved in some real mischief.

You laugh, thinking his idea is fascinating: "Sure! It will be fun to do illegal things, with the help of my bodyguard!"

"Alright, that sounds perfect. Come on, let's go find this casino."
He smiles at you and he starts to walk down the street, seeming to know the way to the illegal casino. He walks with a very determined and confident stride, seeming like he's ready to take on the world and to do whatever it takes to have a little bit of fun. He seems to be really excited about the whole thing and he seems ready for anything. He is happy to have a partner-in-crime, and he seems to be looking forward to the whole adventure.

They entered in the casino
The casino is very dark and shady looking, and there are a lot of people playing different kinds of games. Many of them seem to be doing shady or illegal things, and some of them are smoking or drinking. It seems to be a pretty rough and scary place, but Scaramouche doesn't seem to be scared at all. He walks into the casino without any hesitation and he starts looking around, seeming like he's ready to start playing some games and to get involved in some illegal activities. He seems pretty excited and he seems to be really looking forward to this whole adventure.

A drunk man gets closer to you and tries to flirt with you, making you uncomfortable...

Scara sees the guy flirting with you and he instantly steps up to you, seeming like he's ready to protect you. He gives the guy a warning look and he stands close to you, seeming like he's ready to take on the guy if needed. He doesn't say anything to the drunk guy, but he seems to be very aware of the situation and he seems ready to deal with it.
The drunk guy seems to get the message and he quickly backs off, seeming a little bit intimidated by Scaramouche. He slowly walks away, seeming to leave you and Scaramouche alone again.

"Thank you, Sara!" You thanked Scaramouche for his help.

"You're welcome. I'm never gonna let anyone mess with you or take advantage of you, don't worry."
He smiles at you and he looks happy to have been able to protect you. He seems to be taking this whole adventure a little bit more seriously now. He looks is really glad to be able to be your bodyguard and to look out for you.

They start playing some illegal games and they start cheating and doing other illegal things in the casino. Scaramouche seems to be very good at it and he seems to be winning most of the time. They keep playing and playing and they start to get a little bit carried away with all the illegal things they're doing. They start to feel a little bit more bold and they start doing even more illegal things, cheating a little bit more boldly and blatantly and taking more risks. They seem to be really enjoying themselves and they seem to be getting a real kick out of doing all of this illegal stuff.

"This is so fun, you're totally the best bodyguard anyone could have" You were having fun, you smiled at Scaramouche as you said that.

He smiles at you and he nods a little bit.
"Well, I'm not gonna lie, this is a lot of fun. I guess you were right, it is pretty exciting to do some illegal stuff. I'll admit it, I'm kinda enjoying myself."
He seems to be smiling a little bit more than usual, and he seems to be genuinely happy to be able to do this with you. He seems to be enjoying the whole experience and he is really pleased to have a partner-in-crime and to have someone to do all of this with.

"Let's go away before the police catches us, they would fire you from your job if they knew..." You said that to Scara, worried with what could happen with him.

He nods and he seems to agree with your plan.
"Yeah, that's probably for the best. This place is a bit too shady for my liking, and I don't want to get caught up in anything too dangerous."
He seems to be taking it all a little bit more seriously now and he seems to be a little bit more cautious and careful than before. He has realized that this whole thing could actually lead to some real trouble and he is ready to be a little bit more careful.
They quickly leave the casino before the police could arrive. They go out of the area and they start walking quickly back towards your home, still in a pretty good mood and feeling pretty excited about the whole experience. They seem a little bit exhausted from all the excitement, but they still feel really happy and excited. They seem happy to have been able to get out of that situation and to have escaped the whole situation without getting caught.

You soon reach your home and you guys start to walk inside, still feeling happy and excited about the whole thing. You seem to be glad that you both escaped and that you guys didn't get into trouble

"Scara, can you stay this night at my house?" You asked him, you didn't want him to leave.

He seems a little bit surprised by your request, but he nods and he says in a soft voice.
"Sure, if you don't mind. I'll stay with you tonight, if you'd like that."
He seems to be really happy to have been invited to stay the night with you and he is a little bit surprised that you asked him.

"Thanks! I feel safe when you're around."

"Oh, well I'm glad that you feel safe with me. I'm always here to protect you, you know that."
He seems to genuinely care about you and he seems to be really happy that you feel safe around him. He is really glad that you asked him to stay the night and he is really happy about being there for you.

"So, uhmm... Scara" You wanted to ask him something. Kinda afraid to.

"Yeah? What's up? Anything you wanna say?"
He looks at you and he sounds a little bit curious, wanting to know what you want to say to him.....

You date your bodyguard [Reader x Scaramouche]Where stories live. Discover now