Told you how I feel at a party

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"Alright, thank you for accepting my invitation to go to the party and shopping!" You said that with enthusiasm.
Time passes by, you guys went shopping and had lots of fun, you ate food and bought lots of clothes. You guys went home, the party was almost starting, so you guys were deciding what to dress.
He smiled - he had enjoyed his day with you. From shopping to eating, he seemed like he was having fun. Maybe he wasn't so opposed to the idea of going shopping with you. Your company really was pleasant.
Then you got home. You took a quick shower, and got dressed for the party. When you came back, he was already waiting for you, dressed up and sitting in the couch, waiting for you.
"You look beautiful, Little Miss." He whispered as you walked in. A smile spread across his lips.

"Thank you! You also look very handsome, your clothes suit you very much. You look even more beautiful than you already are" you compliment Scara with a smile on your face.

He smiled. He had tried to pick out something that looked good on him. It felt great to hear that he succeeded. He stood up from the couch.
"Well, let's get going."
He held out his hand to you, his palm facing up, with a smile - the typical gesture of a gentleman, willing to escort a woman. The gesture reminded him of the other times he had done it in the past.

"I'm so glad I'm going to this party with you, Scara! You have no idea on how it makes me happy" - you say that being happier than ever, because all the times you went to a party, you were by yourself. The company of other people weren't enough for you, you wanted someone that made you feel special like Scara did. At first, maybe you didn't think that Scara could be so lovely with you, but now that you guys are together, you can confirm that he is the type of person that you always wanted.

He grinned, then took an exaggerated bow, then held out his hand again.
"I will make sure to escort you like a gentleman should." He said with a smirk, although he still managed to sound a little romantic.
"Then let's not waste time."
He put his hand on the small of your back, then started leading you towards the door. "Ready to go?"

"I'm ready!" You say that excited because you're finally getting the company you've always wanted to come in a party with you.

His eyes lit up "Perfect!"
He gave you a smile, then opened the door to leave the house. He put his hand on your elbow and started walking forward, letting you go ahead.
"After you. I wouldn't want to make you wait."
Then he walked next to you, giving you a look every now and then, with a soft smile on his face.
He was happy. Very happy.

Both of you went to the party and there were lots of good foods, everyone seemed to be surprised at the fact that Scaramouche was hanging out with someone.
Scara also noticed some looks from people. It seemed that they hadn't seen him do this kind of things before.
"Does this sort of thing happen often..?" He asked with a smirk.
He was enjoying himself, he had to admit. It was good food, good company... What more could he ask for? He had no complaints.
He put his arm around your waist, to be closer to you.
"How long have you been coming here?" He asked, since you seemed to know this place better than him.

"I've been so much times here, but I was always alone. I'm glad you're here with me now" you say that with a sad accent, because you remember the hard times that you've had trying to have good company, but you're happy because Scara is with you.

"I am happy to be here with you."
He was still smiling, still keeping his arm wrapped around your waist.
Then he looked at you, genuinely curious.
"You always come here alone? Aren't you lonely while waiting for the party to start?"
He had a feeling you might not like being alone, so he couldn't help but ask. He was always curious about you - what made you tick.

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