do I really care?

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The next day he's still avoiding you, not even speaking to you or acknowledging your existence. He's simply doing his job, following you around but never talking to you.
As you head to the shrine again he walks beside you. Although he seems disinterested, he's doing what you hired him to do and protecting you from every monster in your path.

The atmosphere is tense between the two of you. It seems like you've been on edge ever since his little outburst last night. He doesn't seem to be affected by any of it, though.
Suddenly, it started raining, a huge amount of rain is falling from the sky.
He looks up at the sky, seeming annoyed at the rain. He looks back at you.
"Why is it raining now? It was perfectly sunny yesterday. We're going to end up getting wet if these rains keep going."
He looks around, noticing that there's no shelter nearby to protect you two from the rain. He sighs in annoyance.
"Why does it have to rain on us now of all times? Now we're going to end up getting wet and it won't be fun at all."

"It' cold..." You say that as you shake...

He rolls his eyes and sighs, seeming annoyed at you
"It's obviously cold. You don't need to state the obvious."
He rubs his hands together, seeming frustrated with the situation.
"Of course we're going to get cold and sick. This rain is so stupid. There's not a single spot to take shelter from it. Who the hell decided to make it rain in the middle of the summer? This better only be a one-time thing..."

The rain gets stronger and stronger...
He sighs again
"Can it stop now? We get it, it's raining. There's no need to keep pouring at this rate."
He crosses his arms and stares at the rain. He seems frustrated by the weather. He doesn't like being wet at all and he can't wait for this rain to stop.

"Scara...this is kinda random to ask but...."

"What is it now..?"
He looks at you, seeming annoyed by your question. He seems annoyed that you even want to talk to him right now.
"What could you possibly want to ask me right now?"

He seems to just want to get through this as quickly as possible, wanting to get through this day and go home.
"I'm busy, you know?"
He says in a very annoyed tone.

"What if I..."

He sighs
"What about it?.."
He seems annoyed, like there's nothing you could say that would warrant a conversation with him.
"Just say what's on your mind and we can get this over with."
He seems to be in a hurry and just wants this conversation over with. He's annoyed at you and he makes no attempts to hide it. If you have something to say, you'd better say it fast.

"What if I kissed you?...." You ask, so maybe he'll show you what he really feels for you

He glares at you
"Why would you do that?"
He crosses his arms. You can tell that he isn't going to reciprocate you. He looks at you, seeming annoyed with the idea of you kissing him.
"There's no way I'm going to let you do that. Especially when you haven't done anything to deserve it. What would be the point anyway? There's no reason to do it."
He looks around, looking for an exit.
"So what's the point anyway?"

"What can I do to deserve it?" You ask wondering.

He sighs again
"You can't do anything to deserve it. It doesn't matter what you could do to deserve it, I'm not going to allow it. I'm not interested in anything like that. It's just not going to happen."
He stares at you in disbelief. He can't believe that you would even suggest something like that. It's like you're completely insane in his eyes and he can't make sense of your requests at all.

You date your bodyguard [Reader x Scaramouche]Where stories live. Discover now