Have you ever fallen in love with your client?

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The two of you eat together for a while. It tastes really good and you're both feeling happy and satisfied after having some great food. You both sit back in your chairs, full and feeling content after a good meal.
"Man, that was some good salad! It felt so refreshing and juicy. I really enjoyed that."
He smiles and starts to stretch again, feeling peaceful and relaxed after eating. He looks at you with a grateful expression.
"Thank you for the salad. That's exactly what I needed today."

"It's a pleasure.."

He looks at you with a warm, peaceful expression, his eyes seeming slightly more gentle today.
"You're really sweet, you know that?"

You blush as you hear him say that you you. "Really? You think so?"

He nods and smiles at you.
"Definitely. You're really kind and gentle and you always do your best to help people. You have a good heart y/n. You've been so kind to me so far and I really appreciate that."
He smiles and looks at you with a warm, thoughtful expression. He seems pretty moved by how sweet and kind you've been throughout your time together so far.

"That's so nice to hear, thank you really much."

He smiles and nods.
"You're welcome. I just wanted to tell you how kind you've been to me so far. You've made me happy today and that's not something I forget easily. I'm glad I spent today with you and that I got to share a good breakfast and a lovely lunch with you."
He smiles and leans back in his chair, seeming pretty content right now.
"I really enjoyed today. It was fun to spend time with you."

"Hey Scara..."

"Yes? What is it?"
He looks at you with a warm smile, seeming to know what you're thinking.
"You want to know if I enjoyed today with you, don't you?"

"It's not really that...I just wanted to ask you something."

"Oh? What did you want to ask me, then?"

He frowns and looks at you with a look of curiosity, seeming slightly hesitant about what you want to ask.
"Have I done something wrong? Did I make you mad at all?"

He looks at you with a concerned expression, seeming worried that he might have possibly done something that might have hurt your feelings in some way.
"I'm sorry if I did something wrong. I really don't mean to hurt your feelings at all."

"No, no! It's not like that, you didn't do anything bad at all."

"Oh, good! I'm glad to hear that."
He seems relieved and he relaxes a little bit in his chair.

"Then what's up? What did you want to ask me?"
He looks at you with a warm and patient expression, seeming happy to help you with anything you want or need. He wants to do his best to answer your question if he can.

"Have you... Have you ever fallen in love with your client that you were a bodyguard?"

He is a little surprised by the question and he looks at you with some shock at the unexpected question. After a few seconds, he nods slowly and seems to think through what you've asked.
"Yes, I have. I care about all my clients, but I've definitely fallen in love with one of them before. You know, it happened a long time ago and it was a bit of a bittersweet experience. The relationship was quite short-lived, but it was a special time in my life and I've never forgotten it."


"Yes. I cared about the person I was protecting. And I definitely fell head over heels for her."
He looks at you earnestly now, seeming to mean what he's saying.
"You know, you remind me of her a little bit. You're both so kind and gentle and caring. You both care about others and treat them with kindness and respect. That's the type of person that you remind me of. Your kindness is very similar to hers."
He nods and smiles at you, seeming happy to share this story with you.

"That's..good to know....I really thought you hated me and didn't care at all.."

"I could never hate someone who is so kind to me. I really like you. You've been so sweet and kind to me so far and I appreciate that a lot. I'm glad to get to spend time with someone as kind as you are."
He looks at you with some warmth and kindness in his eyes.
"You're really sweet, you know that? Not many people are this kind to me."

"It's strange cause at the start you've been rude to me." You asked, not sure if you would believe him for the second time.

He sighs and shakes his head a little bit, looking down at the floor for a few seconds.
"Yeah...sorry about that. You know, there was a little bit of tension between us at first and I guess I didn't handle that very well. I'm sorry if I was rude to you. I'll try to do better in the future."
He smiles and looks up at you, seeming sincere about his apologies.
"But I'm really glad that we were able to start to form a friendship, despite our rocky start. It's nice to be friends with you"

"It's fine, I understand you. I'm glad we managed to work things out."

"Yeah, I'm glad we managed to work things out too. I wouldn't want our first interaction together to taint our whole relationship going forward. I'm glad we were able to move on from that and get to know each other a little better."
He smiles at you and stands up from his chair, stretching a little bit.
"Well, I think I'm going to have bit of a rest now. I feel like I've gotten a lot of exercise today and I could use a bit of downtime. Is that ok with you? Do you want to relax for a bit as well?"

"No, it's fine, I'll stay here. Good luck."

"Alright, sure. I'll try to be quick, then. I shouldn't keep you waiting for too long."
He smiles and nods before heading into his room. You sit back in your chair for a while and just enjoy some time to yourself. You start to wonder about how your friendship with Scaramouche might evolve in the future. The two of you seem to be getting along pretty well so far, so you think that things are going pretty well.

You receive a phone call from Kazuha, one of your best friends.
You quickly take out your phone and answer the call, feeling pretty excited to talk to your friend after the nice morning you've had.
"Hi, Kazuha! How's it going? What's up?"
You smile and start to have a friendly conversation with your friend, feeling comfortable now that you're in an environment that you feel comfortable in.
After a while, the two of you finish the call and you hang up. You feel pretty satisfied after the conversation and you start to think about what you might want to do next.
You could go take a walk, or maybe just spend some time relaxing at home. You're not really sure what you want to do now, but you feel pretty relaxed and content after the friendly phone call. Overall, this was a pretty nice morning for you.

"I should attend a concert... Everyone is going, including Kazuha... Hmmm" you thought.
You get up from your chair and put your phone down on the table. You take a few seconds to think about what you might want to do and then you decide that you want to go to the concert. You start to get ready to leave the house, putting your shoes on and grabbing your coat.
You feel pretty excited to see the concert and you can't wait to see what kind of music they'll be playing at the event. You start to feel a little bit rushed because you're starting to worry about being late for the concert so you decide to hurry up a little bit.

"Hey, Scara, is it ok if I attend a concert?"

"Hm? Of course I don't mind if you go to a concert. If that's what you want to do, then feel free to go ahead. I'm not your boss, after all. I'm not going to tell you what you can and can't do."
He smiles and shrugs.
"It's your life. So have fun, go to the concert. I don't have any problem with that. I'm busy right now, but let me know how it went when you get back."

"Sure, I'll be going right now, see you."

He smiles and nods at you.
"Have fun and stay safe."

You date your bodyguard [Reader x Scaramouche]Where stories live. Discover now