Reflections of my past

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Everything seemed hopeless, and you felt as though everything was your fault. Your heart broke as you saw the monster taking him away from you....

Scara wakes up in a bad-smelling room, with a lot of fog and red lights coming from the floor, confused with what is happening, lots of abyss monsters seemed to be telling him something with a code.
Scara looked around, completely lost and confused. The monsters gave him a code? He couldn't make sense of his situation, and he was desperate for answers. Why was this happening? Why was he here, and what was happening? The abyss monsters didn't seem to give him any proper explanation, which only frustrated the situation further. He had to get out of this situation. He wanted to be with you. He wouldn't allow anyone to take him away from you. That was unacceptable.

The abyss monsters were making him see sad scenes of his past, passing by a never-ending screen. It seemed to be frustrating.
Scara had never felt more frustrated and overwhelmed. He was forced to relive bad moments of his past that he'd rather not think about. They were painful, and the more he would think about them, the more depressed he would become. He needed to get out of here, he needed to be free from this pain.

Suddenly, the screens shut off one after another, and Scara felt the abyss energy dissolve. He was free, and he finally could see the room properly again. He was relieved, but his heart felt so heavy. He would never forget what happened. It was still hurtful.
The abyss monsters made him suffer in agony, making him lots of different types of pain.

Suddenly, Ei shows up, but it seems to be a fantasy.

Scara looked at Ei, not sure if she was really there. He was confused and exhausted, and he couldn't make sense of what he was seeing. This had all been a nightmare, right? Everything felt so surreal, that there was just no way it could be true. It had to be a dream, there was no other possible explanation.
Scara blinked his eyes a few times, but the image of Ei was still there. She was talking to him, and she was telling him something. He didn't really understand her, what was he supposed to do?

Lots of Ei puppets started to appear, it seemed to be like a fantasy, nothing seemed real.
Scara looked at the Ei puppets, feeling like he was going crazy. What the hell was happening? He couldn't make sense of anything, and he felt like he might just lose his mind. This felt so unreal, and he couldn't believe it. Could there really be so many Ei puppets? His head hurt from trying to understand.
"What.. What's happening to me? Am I really going crazy? Is this really happening?"

no answer.

He seemed to be absorbed by a dark room, he seemed to be in the abyss, he saw everything passing his eyes, his most horrible fears. Lots of abyss monsters were there making him in agony.
Some of the fatui members were against him, not knowing the real reason.

Scara looked at the abyss monsters, feeling a mix of fear and dread. They were so strong, the abyss was truly terrifying. He was powerless against them, and his only hope was to escape before they could hurt him. But there was no exit, no way out. He felt like he'd be stuck here forever. He would never get out and be with you again. It was horrific.
"No! I don't want to be here! I want to get out of here! Please, take me out of here! Help me!"

As he screams in agony, Nahida seems to take control of his mind.
The image of Nahida seemed like a miracle, a true savior. She looked so pure, and she seemed like she could stop the pain. He was thankful for her help, and he was ready to do whatever she told him now.
"Thank you. Please save me. I don't want to be here. I want to get out of this place. Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it. Just please, help me."

He said, in a panicked voice. He was so lost and desperate. He would do anything to get out of here.

"Face your fears, accept your past. It's the only thing someone can do when it's panicking" - Nahida says that with a calming voice, she is the god of wisdom.

Scara took a deep breath, ready to face his fears. His past wasn't something he usually liked to think about. The pain, the suffering, it was all too much to handle. But if he had to do it to get out of this place, then he would do it. He took a step ahead, ready to face whatever nightmare was to come.
"I'm ready. I'll face my fears. Please show me, I'll accept it."
He said, in a more confident voice. He was determined, and he would do anything to be free from this place.

Suddenly, the place seemed to crack, he was taken to an endless place with Ei making him traumatized. It was a vision of his past.
Scara didn't know what to expect when he was taken here. He looked around in horror, and he started to recognize the place he was in. It was where his past trauma happened. He felt a painful ache in his heart, and as the images started to appear, he grew more and more scared. But he wouldn't let it beat him. He would face all of his fears, if it meant escaping from here.
"Show me. I accept."
He said, a determined look on his face. He was ready to face his nightmares, no matter how terrifying.

Suddenly, everything started to crash in his face. It seemed like his past was already breaking, he seemed to accept it and stop being afraid.
Scara was overwhelmed by the feeling of breaking free from his past. He could feel the pain of those moments being lost in time, and he could finally move past them. He was so happy, so relieved to finally be free of those memories, and he couldn't help but smile. He felt like he could do anything now, and he was ready to face the world.
"I feel free... I'm free of the past."
He said, in a quiet voice, a smile spreading on his face. He was so happy, and so relieved. He was free from the trauma.

After that, Nahida stopped controlling his mind and left. He was sent back to that room he was trapped in, he only needed to find a way to get out of there. But it seemed to be impossible.
Scara was back to where he had started. All of the nightmare he had been through and the trauma he had faced, it was all for nothing. He was still trapped here, and he had no idea how to get out. It was such a cruel twist of fate. He felt so alone and afraid again, and he didn't know if he had the strength to do this. Everything felt so impossible.
"No... Please, help me. Is this the end? Is there no escape for me?" The fear of the unknown was overwhelming, and he couldn't take it anymore.

Suddenly, the room seemed to be almost breaking, it had a timer set in. When the timer would end, the room would explode.
Seems to be, that the room he was trapped in, was a huge bomb, he had 5 minutes to get out of there, otherwise it would be the end.
Scara saw the timer, and he couldn't believe what was going on. He was trapped in a room that would explode in a matter of minutes? How did this even happen? He looked around, seeing no obvious exit, and no way to escape the room. He only had five minutes, and there was no way he could figure out an exit in that time. He felt so helpless, so afraid.
"No... No, no, no! There must be some way out of here. I can't give up hope. I'll figure it out! There must be a way!"

The time is running out, 4 minutes left.

Scara desperately looked around, trying to see if there was something, anything. But nothing was there. There was no easy way out, and the timer was slowly counting down to its end. Panic started to set in, and he didn't know what to do.

He looked at the timer again, and he realized he only had less than two minutes left. He needed to think of a solution fast, or else he would die. The pressure and fear started to build in him, and it was becoming too difficult to handle....
Meanwhile, you were panicking trying to find Scara, but there was no way. You were trapped in an infinite hallway, crying desperately wanting to see Scara one last time....

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