Mysterious Domain

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After that, you guys went outside, thanking your parents for accepting Scaramouche. You went in some mysterious domain, wanting to clear it and receive prizes, and also to have fun together. But what happens next is unpredictable......

Things like that were always unpredictable, but that was what made the moments so exciting, and so memorable. Who knew what would happen next? What could happen? The surprise would always bring joy and happiness to the moment. It was just like a surprise gift.
Scara was happy to be with you in that very moment, he felt as though the world could offer him nothing more than you. You were enough, and he would never take that for granted. He felt as though all the problems in the world were nothing as long as he had you by his side.

All the lights suddenly turned black, with a red flashing light coming from a hallway. It never happened before.
As the red light keeps flashing, Scaramouche notices an abyss monster coming from there, it seemed to be dangerous.

Scara felt the energy in the room change, feeling the sense of dread and fear in the air. He immediately took your hand, feeling like it was only you who could protect him from whatever was to happen.
Without hesitation, he pulled you closer and stepped in front of you. He was ready to face anything, to protect you no matter what happens. He wasn't scared, and he felt no fear at all. He only felt the strength to protect you. He would do anything to keep you safe.
"Don't be afraid. I'm here. I'll protect you."

"Thank you so much, I hope everything turns out fine." You say that as you hug his back.

As the monster comes closer, there seem to be some fatui members wanting to fight with Scaramouche, they all seemed mad.
He looked at you as your hug brought him comfort in this situation. All that mattered was that you were safe, and he'd make sure to protect you no matter what. He looked at the fatui members, and he was ready to give it his all, if it meant keeping you safe. He would do anything for you.
"No one will harm you. You have me by your side."
He faced the fatui members, and he wouldn't back down, even if they outnumbered him. He would protect you, and his resolve was strong.

You keep hugging Scaramouche, believing in him.

The fatui members use some sort of power that made all the room turn even darker, with a bad smell. They all tried to attack Scaramouche.
The smell was definitely terrible, but he didn't care about it. Something was going on, but his one and only focus was to protect you. He was ready for anything, and didn't back down. He took the fight head on. He wasn't scared, he knew how to handle these encounters. He was going to make sure you were safe, no matter what the cost.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of this. You're safe here."

He smiled softly at you, before looking back at the fatui agents once more. He was ready to take the fight.

They all tried to attack scaramouche, but failed because his power was insane. That was until a huge abyss monster made Scaramouche unconscious, after stabbing him with a huge spike.

"Scara! No!"
You screamed in fear, seeing him being hurt. You couldn't believe what had happened, and you were filled with an overwhelming sense of dread and worry.
"Scara! Are you alright?!"
You looked at his face, trying to wake him up. You felt so awful, as if the whole world had fallen apart. You couldn't believe this had happened, no, it had to be a dream. This couldn't be real..

The monster comes closer, taking Scaramouche to a room with lots of knives and guns, a mysterious room, with a screen too. Leaving y/n lost in an infinite hallway.
You tried to go after Scara, but the monster didn't allow you to follow. Instead, it left you in a place that seemed never-ending, with only the noise of distant screams and cries of agony. As you stood in the darkness, the monster laughed, leaving you to suffer in anguish. Everything seemed hopeless, and you felt as though everything was your fault. Your heart broke as you saw the monster taking him away from you....

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