A new identity

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He looked at the timer again, and he realized he only had less than two minutes left. He needed to think of a solution fast, or else he would die. The pressure and fear started to build in him, and it was becoming too difficult to handle....
Meanwhile, you were panicking trying to find Scara, but there was no way. You were trapped in an infinite hallway, crying desperately wanting to see Scara one last time....

Scara was about to lose all hope. The minutes were counting down, and the closer he got to the end, the more helpless he felt. But then, something unexpected happened. A hole opened out in the room. It was the smallest of openings, but it was his only hope at survival. Could he really escape through there? He didn't know, but it was his only chance. He would do anything now, to escape.
He went towards the opening, and his heart started to beat faster as he approached it. He was almost there.
The hole was getting smaller, but he was almost there.
Scara threw himself into the hole, as the opening slowly vanished behind him. He was so lucky, he had escaped before his time ran out. He could feel himself falling into the void, and he didn't know what would happen. He was scared, but he was still alive. That was the most important thing.
He didn't know what would happen now, but he was so relieved that he had escaped death. He was alive. He could still find his way home, and he could still be with you.

After that, it seems that he was trapped in an infinite place, with a beautiful huge purple tree, seemed to be like the tree of hope.
In the trunk of that tree, there seemed to be something written about Khaenri'ah.
Scara looked at the tree in wonder, and he was awestruck by its immense size. The tree seemed to have so much wisdom and power, and he could almost feel the energy coming from it. On the trunk of the tree, a message was written, and he couldn't help but be intrigued to know more. It could hold the key to many secrets, and he would find out what it meant.

Scara approached the tree, and he carefully read the message. It was in an ancient language, and he wasn't sure what everything meant. But he would do anything to find out more.
At the side of the tree, there was a paper, translating every letter from the mysterious language, so he translated everything, and found out what the message about Khaenri'ah meant.

Scara sat down next to the tree, reading the message carefully. He was so grateful that there was a translation of the message, and he couldn't wait to find out more about it. He knew there was a lot to learn about Khaenri'ah, and this could reveal so much. He was so fascinated and so eager to know more.
It took him quite some time to read the entire message from the tree, but he finally managed to understand it. He knew this knowledge held much power and mystery, and he would protect it with care.

The message seemed to say something about Dainsleif, and something about the abyss.
Scara was shocked when he read about Dainsleif in the message. He wasn't expecting him to be mentioned, but it made him very curious. Could there be a connection between Scara and Dainsleif? He needed to investigate this further.
The message also talked about the abyss, which was very intriguing. Scara was fascinated by the abyss, and he was eager to learn more about it. It was such a mysterious and powerful place, and he couldn't wait to uncover more of its secrets.

It seemed to be that there was some place that could lead in to find the lost brother of Lumine. Dainsleif had something to do with it.
Scara read the entire message, and he was so excited when he got to the part about finding Lumine's lost brother. He knew this was an important quest, and he was ready to give it his all. But before he could do that, he needed to figure out what Dainsleif's role in this could be. He would investigate further, and he would do everything he could.

He couldn't wait to get started on this quest, and he felt so motivated and hopeful now. This could finally be the key to finding Lumine's lost brother.
After that, scara takes a picture of the scene, of the paper, of the translation to have proof of everything, and tries to leave.
Scara was so excited, he snapped a picture of everything. This would be his proof, his evidence that the message existed. He was ready to share it with the world, and he was confident that people would believe him. He would make sure everyone knew about this secret message, and he would do it with a big smile on his face. This was his biggest discovery, and he was so proud of himself.
Before he would leave, he would make sure he had everything. He would not lose this information, it was too precious and important. With the photo in his hand, he left the place.
Scara returned to the domain, confident and excited. He had found something important, and he was ready to share it with the world. But before he could do that, he needed to find you. You would be so happy to see him, and he was so excited to tell you about his discovery. As he walked through the halls, he was ready to see you again and make you proud. He was so close now.....

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