A full day

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"Sure, that sounds interesting! I haven't really watched any movies about war or about Khaenri'ah, but I'd be happy to try it. So, yeah, I guess we can give it a shot and we can see how it is."

"Then let's try it! I'm sure you'll love it, Khaenri'ah war is very interesting, it also has abyss including in it, the unknown god, it's great!" You sound excited saying it.

"Sounds pretty interesting. I hadn't really heard much about the Khaenri'ah war before, but it sounds pretty interesting and I guess I always like to learn more about things and about history. So yeah, I guess we can go and watch a movie about it. I'm sure I'll probably enjoy it."

They arrive at the cinema and they start to go inside. They find a seat and they sit down and they start to watch the movie. The movie starts to tell the story of the Khaenri'ah War and it tells the story of the battle between the Khaenri'ah people and the Abyss. The movie tells the story of the struggle against the unknown God and it tells the story of the struggles of the people who managed to survive and who managed to fight back against the Abyss.

You lay on Scara's shoulder

He seems to be a little bit surprised and caught off guard by you suddenly laying on his shoulder. He is kinda embarrassed. He seems to be trying to figure out what to do and how to respond to your sudden action.
After a few moments, he is able to find his voice and he seems to be able to speak again, he is happy that you are comfortable enough with him to be able to be that close and to lean on him.
"Oh, well, you seem to be getting a little bit sleepy. I guess I can understand that. It's been a pretty long day and we've been fighting and doing stuff all day, so I guess it's pretty natural for one to get tired."
"So, yeah, you can get some rest now if you want. I don't mind. In fact, I wouldn't mind if you just go and close your eyes and if you want to go and take a little nap."
He is surprised and confused when you suddenly fall asleep on his shoulder. He startled at first, but he soon calms himself down and he is able to relax and to feel comfortable. He is happy that you're comfortable enough with him to be able to fall asleep like that.

Some time passes by, the movie was still going on, and you woke up.

"Oh, well, looks like you woke up. I guess you were feeling pretty sleepy earlier, huh? I guess you must have been pretty tired." Scara says that smiling to you.

"O-oh I'm so sorry! It won't happen again." You excused yourself, thinking that deep inside he was mad with you.

"It's alright, I don't mind if you fall asleep on me. I mean, I'm happy to make you feel comfortable and to help you feel safe. So, yeah, it's alright if you want to fall asleep on me or if you want to just rest your head on my shoulder or something like that. I don't mind."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I don't mind. I mean, I'm happy to make you comfortable and I'm happy to help you to feel safe. So, yeah, don't worry about it. You can feel free to rest or nap or whatever you need to do and I won't mind at all."

"Thank you!" You were happy that he understood.

"You're welcome. I'm just happy that I can be there for you and that I can help to make you feel comfortable and safe. So, yeah, it's no problem at all for me."

They watch the movie, and when it finally ends:
"Well, that was a pretty good movie. I guess I hadn't really heard much about the Khaenri'ah war and the battle between the Khaenri'ah people and the abyss before. But, yeah, it was a pretty interesting movie and it was pretty good. I guess I learned a lot of new things today. So, yeah, I guess it was a good choice to come and watch it."

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