Chapter 36

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"She loves me

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"She loves me. I know she does. But I don't even know who I am anymore. I mean, I didn't know who I was before her. But she completed me." Andre sighs, running a hand through his messy hair as the man seating beside him in a bar in the beautiful capital of Italy, sips on his drink. "I love her. I can't stop thinking about her. I think she thinks I hate her but, I don't. I was just mad she took a choice from me. Like, it had been taken from her."

"Sounds like a complicated chick." The man confesses, taking another sip of his beer.

"She's still my world. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Andre states, leaning back on the chair as he looks up at the nameless man.

"How did you trigger your gene?" The man asks.

"I cost somebody their life because I couldn't save them. I tried... so hard. She was holding onto me for dear life as I spoke softly to her, and then she just fell and she didn't stop falling. The building was about ten stores tall. When the falling stopped, you could only hear the screams of people." Andre looks down at his feet, lost in the tragic memory of the girl he tried to save when she thought life wasn't worth living, and when he had convinced the opposite, he wasn't strong enough to hold her. "I should've hold onto her life tighter. I had convinced her that it was not the way to go and then... I couldn't get to her on time. I tried to hold on so hard, but she slipped out of my arms."

"Who was she?"

Andre shrugs, holding his head with his hands as he tries to push the memory back down. "I don't know. I still don't know her name to this day. She was a stranger and I tried to help. Sometimes, I just call her Angel. I hope she's in heaven. She found peace."

"We all have stories to tell about how we triggered our gene. But, you were still young. It is not your fault, it's not your burden to carry." The man pats Andre's shoulder to try to comfort him. "I tried really hard not to trigger mine. Anger took over me once and I beat this man to death. I was about 20 years old."

"Even if the anger is the worst thing the curse gives us, I still embrace my werewolf side. It made me feel like I belonged somewhere. It made me feel like I was worthy." Andre concludes, taking a sip of his own beer but he scrunches his face in disgust at the taste of it.

"Andre." Malik calls out, causing the boy to spin around on his chair as to make sure he wasn't hallucinating the voice.

Andre furrows his eyebrows, standing up from the bar as he walks over to the older Mikaelson sibling, the two of them sharing a small hug. "I thought I would never see you again."

"I hate that you left without saying goodbye." Malik confesses with a smile covering his lips.

"Is that the reason you're here? Because you miss me?" Andre teases, making Malik's mood drop as he let's the word fly out of his mouth. "What happened to Miracle? Is she alright? Did something happen to her? Tell me!!!"

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