Chapter 16

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It's been months since the monster attacks stopped and I have been having this empty feeling in my heart like I'm missing something that is part of me but I cannot explain it and it terrifies me

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It's been months since the monster attacks stopped and I have been having this empty feeling in my heart like I'm missing something that is part of me but I cannot explain it and it terrifies me.

Ric is no longer the headmaster of the Salvatore School because after the school got invaded, the council voted him out. Caroline spoke to my mother and she might be the new headmistress as they agreed on settling in Mystic Falls for a while.

They've found Malik and he decided to give them a chance and not to believe everything that he was told about us. Liz has been away in therapy for some time, Raf is stuck as a wolf and I completely forgot how to get him back. Although, I got closer to Andre and he has helped me forget that empty space in my heart.

"What's popping, girl?"

"Other than your happy bubble? Nothing." I joke and Lizzie glares at me through the FaceTime.

She rolls her eyes and grabs her phone, walking around the room she's been staying at. "My Mom finally told me stuff about the ascendant but not everything, meaning she's hiding something from Josie and I."

"You think it's about your uncle Kai?" I ask and she nods her head with a frown. "My mom said he was a good person... but he had his moments."

"He murdered my biological mother when Josie and I were in her womb. I'd have to disagree with her." She points out and I shut my mouth, not wanting to argue since she is right. "Anyways, how's you and lover boy?"

"There's nothing going on, we're friends." I tell her but I can't hide the smile on my face.

"Liar!" She smirks and I roll my eyes again. "Come on, tell me everything! We're best friends."

"We've been getting closer..." I trail off.

"You two have the perfect love story. You met when you were young. He learned English just for you and he's had a crush on you since kindergarten. You let him go to protect him and you reunited again!"

"It's not. It's a werewolf curse. He triggered it." I argue back, laying down on my bed as I keep looking at her and pay attention to what she's saying.

"And he came all the way from Portugal to Mystic Falls of all places!" She implies with that sassy smirk she does when she's winning an argument.

"Because it's the only supernatural school... but he only knew it existed because of me." I mumble, sighing deeply because I know I'm slowing falling for him again.

"Exactly, what I said." She smiles at me before giving me the 'I have news' face. "In therapy, there's this Swedish/polish guy and he's super sexy. He is extremely hot and straight up crazy. The language barrier will make it impossible for us to communicate. Just perfect."

"Sounds like a nice story to tell your grandchildren." I joke and she laughs slightly with me and I stop when I look up at my dorm room to see who just walked in and I smile at him. "Hey."

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