Chapter 1

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Alaric pulls his car in front of the church where a werewolf is turning. We run out of the car and I take a step back as soon as my eyes land on the familiar human, sitting down in front of the church like he's waiting for someone.

What the hell is he doing here?

"Landon." Hope mumbles, stopping beside me with a shocked expression.

"Hope? Miracle?" Landon questions, looking confused at what we might be doing in a church on Tuesday night. Well, mi amigo, there's no time to confess our sins.

Ric looks in between the three of us before eyeing Landon. "You three know each other?"

"Long story." Hope replies and not even a second later, we hear someone yell with the addition of glass shattering from inside the church. I don't know about your luck, but that is never a good sign.

"Ric, come on." I demand impatiently.

He doesn't move for a second because he doesn't find it professional when I call him Ric. Not my fault, every time my mom would talk about him she called him Ric so it kind of rubbed off on me.

He shakes his head, running over to the door and tries to open it but fails miserably as we should've expected. "Doors are locked." He points out.

"Really? I thought you forgot how to open one." I reply sarcastically, walking up the stairs and using my supernatural strength to open it as Hope mumbles a spell, before going back to staring at Landon.

I quickly step inside the church, ready to kill the people that are hurting the werewolf, only if needed. I'm not a killer... but some people at school do say I'm just like my father.

The sound of bones cracking are heard as the werewolf starts to turn faster. His yells of pain, make me wince slightly because I remember the first time I turned.

"Shut down the exorcist, would you?" Ric orders Hope but since she's worried about keeping Landon outside, she isn't inside the church yet. So, I speed over to them and knock them all out easily, before shooting Ric an innocent smile. "I meant for Hope to cast a sleeping spell."

"They're sleeping now, aren't they?" I reply, pointing down at the unconscious people, before walking over to the newest werewolf and I can literally sense his fear without needing to touch him.

One of my gifts, pretty cool, right?

While Ric starts to pin down the chains for us to be able to restrain him, and Hope is finally helping him, I walk over to him bending down to his eye level to touch his face.

"Help me... What's happening?" He grunts in pain and I show him my hybrid eyes, which tends to calm down the new turning werewolves. Why? One of my other gifts I guess or I'm a werewolf whisper.

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