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"Hey Nari..." Skrael said, voice shroud in terror. "Remember when you said I couldn't say the f-word."

"Yeah..." Nari said with a shudder, hiding behind my leg.

"...can I say it now?"

The Fire Titan dove down, flying faster than a bullet. We were lucky to jump out of its path. The group split. I wound up with the demigods. Nari raised her hands, and plants shot through the ground, throwing the Signal Watchers who scaled the snake's body like madmen out of view. Nari, Skrael, and I hopped between the leaves of the vines while Phoenix flew to the ground and instantly began shooting and hitting Signal Watcher's with her icy arrows. Signal Watchers with dragon-like wings began to spiral towards the ground. Aja flew through the air in her ship, firing at them. They collapsed to the ground—flightless but not dead. I spun my bracelet around and conjured up my staff.

'I'll make you proud, Merlin,' I told myself.

Phoenix shot a hand in the air. Pipes running through the canal were raised into the air, and the sewer water broke through the metal. Waving her hands in flawless motions like the legends told about her she manipulated the water and knocked back armies of Signal Watchers.

"You need to get Bellroc," Skrael said, doing a roundhouse kick into a Signal Watcher's eye.

It opened its gaping maw to let out a shrill siren, but Skrael stabbed his staff right through their mouth, breaking through its skull.

"What about you?" I said, lifting Nari into the air to punch two of the monstrous creatures while I shot blasts of magic at others, knocking them out.

"We'll be able to handle them," Skrael said, conjuring up a whip of lightning. "Go!"

"We'll join you later," Nari said, decapitating a Signal Watcher with a vine.

Phoenix nodded. She did a somersault in the air and landed on the ground, freezing the concrete underneath her and tripping up the Signal Watchers. They slid on the ice, and it became for Skrael and Nari to fling them into oblivion.

"Come on, Arch!" I said.

He turned his attention away from a Signal Watcher whom he was melting with his fiery breath and flew next to me. Claire created portals, leading the Signal Watchers running at me on all fours in a brutish, unhinged manner away from me. I looked up at the Fire Titan which did nothing but watch the chaos ensue. It was clear that our side was winning, but I needed to get to Bellroc. That was most important. I ran up the snake demon, powering through the boiling heat. A Signal Watcher leapt near me, swiping with its claws. I knocked it out with my staff and kept running.

"I'll hold them off!" Archie said once the amount of Signal Watchers was reaching a point of where they were becoming nuisances.

I reached the top of the Titan. There was Bellroc, standing before her sigil. Aridam stood by her side. He had his arms behind his back.

"Look, my love. Don't you see the destruction that these mortal beings cause?" Aridam said.

Bellroc didn't respond. She was as still as a statue.

"We will create the world the way it was supposed to be: void of the other elements!"

"You're wrong!" I said, appearing from behind a rock.

"What did you say, boy?" Aridam spat.

"You're a jealous old man," I said. "Let her go!"

Aridam laughed. "It's quite amusing. You see, Merlin couldn't have even beat me if he tried. What makes you think his apprentice can do any better?"

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