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"Aridam..." Blinky said, placing a huge book in front of all of us. I'd never seen him with a book that old. EVER. He opened it up and a hologram opened from the book making images of Aridam and the Arcane Order appeared. "Now, I certainly had to do some scoping since there are only two books that contain a history of Aridam: Ιστορία όλων των Ιστοριών—History of all Stories—and Η σκοτεινή πλευρά της μαγείας—The Dark Side of Magic. The Arcane Order clearly went through a lot to remove him from the history books. says Aridam was a young wizard in the time of a great battle between Trolls and wizards."

"Wizards and Trolls were around that long?" Toby said.

"Yes, they've been...ahem..."coexisting" for a very long time."

"Why the air quotes?" Claire said.

"Wizards and Trolls, despite being magical beings, weren't on good terms in the beginning. They despised each other since there was so little territory at first," Zoe said. "Wars were fought. Lives were lost."

"Gunmar came to life during those days, you know," Blinky said matter-of-factly.

"But what does this have to do with Aridam?" Aja asked.

"It was from this war that Aridam gained power. He grew stronger, draining the magic from majestic creatures of all kinds. Dragons, wizards, Trolls, fairies, unicorns-"

"UNICORNS?!" Steve exclaimed.

"No, I'm just kidding. That was a joke," Blinky laughed.

Everyone's face fell.

"Continuing. Aridam was so powerful of a weapon that people turned to the demigods—the Arcane Order for help. The Order fought valiantly, using all of their magic. Aridam, like a vortex, swallowed up their magic like a vacuum cleaner. Eventually, with what little energy they had left, they managed to lock Aridam in what they thought would be an unbreakable gate where his magic was drained and he was kept in a vegetative state."

"So how did he break out then?" I asked.

"No clue, most of the pages of the book are missing. Aridam must've ripped them out. That foul beast!"

"If Aridam wants to restart—I mean—destroy the world, why does he need the Arcane Order to do it?" Krel asked.

"Exactly..." I said. I tried to fit the pieces together. "Blinky, you said that all members of the Order must be present to access the Genesis Seals, right?"

"Precisely, I am never wrong."

"Aridam is using them."

Everyone gasped.

"He's going to unite the Titans, kill everything, and then destroy them!"

"That's why he kidnapped the Order!" Aja said.

"We've gotta come up with a plan. There's only so much time we have left to save the world. Hm...where's Bellroc's Titan?" I asked.

"The South China Sea," Aja answered.


"Brazil," Blinky said.


"Cuba," Claire answered.

"Greenland," Strickler said.

"Aridam's on Bellroc's Titan," I said. "We'll get hers last since they'll require the most use of magic. Now everyone, there's four Titans, but only one villain we need to focus on. This isn't like before where we had to save two or at least, try. We need to stop the Titans and Aridam without killing any of the Order. There's 15 of us."

"16!" Toby said.


"Yes, 16! If we're counting Inferno!"

"The dog?"

"What's the matter with Inferno?"

"Nothing, nothing, it's just....are you sure we should bring along the dog?"

"Of course! He could help out with Bellroc, couldn't he?"

"Uh...yeah...sure. Fine, we can bring him along."

"Yes!" Toby said, handing the gleeful animal a Nougat Nummy.

"Ready to split up?" I said.

"But Jim, you don't have your amulet," Claire said.

"I don't need it, not anymore. Steve, you and my mom need to fetch Excalibur. The stone in the hilt is the only way I can become the Trollhunter."

"Ay-aye!" Steve said.

"You can take one of our ships," Aja said, leading him to the balcony.

I turned to Douxie who sat on the stairs next to Archie. Archie tried to comfort him, but he didn't move nor speak. I sat down next to him.

"Listen, Doux, I never got the chance to, but I wanted to apologize for my selfish behavior."

He turned to me.

"I was being very rude. I was just angry. I wanted to be powerful again; I wanted to be the Trollhunter. Without my amulet, I just feel weak and like I can't do anything. I'm sure you might know what that feels like. Anyways, I was just trying to establish the little power I felt I had left. I'm sorry I was being a jerk to you and your mother. I hope you can forgive me."

Douxie didn't respond. Archie stood up and flew off to join the others.

"I'l understand if you don't-"

Douxie put a hand on my shoulder. "We're family; we're supposed to fight. However...we're not supposed to hold grudges. I forgive you."

I smiled.

"Come on, you two, let's cut the pleasantries and get moving," Nomura said. "These Titans aren't going to rid themselves."

"Alright," I said, standing up. Krel handed me a serrator. I slid my amulet in my pocket while Douxie grabbed his staff, and Archie flew onto his shoulder.

Claire put on her helmet and walked next to me. Toby took out his war hammer and activated it, bathing it in flame.

"So who's first?"

"Let's start with Skrael..." Douxie said.

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