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"This is a stupid idea. This is a stupid idea. This is a really stupid idea," I said, pulling on my sweat shirt as Nari put on her beanie to hide her braided green hair.

"It is not stupid," Nari said. "In fact, I'd say it's rather genius."

"Oh, yeah? Since when have our plans ever gone the way we wanted them to?"

Nari paused. She blinked at me.

"Sorry, I just, I don't think this will work."

"You are sad about Merlin, I understand. I am, too. But you must know, we have half of the members of the Arcane Order on our side. And the Trollhunter."

"Jim is without his amulet. He can't fight back."

"The Trollhunter doesn't need his amulet to be the Trollhunter."

"Nari, I understand this is supposed to be some deep message." Nari nodded in agreement without hesitation which almost made me laugh. "But this is serious. Two of the most powerful beings on Earth are after us and all we have is-is-"

"Is a magic nullification device!"

"Are we even sure that it works?"

"Ask Krel and Toby. They're the ones who designed it."

I sighed, stood up, and grabbed my wand just as Archie entered the door, flying.

"You two ready?" he asked. He seemed confident, but I knew that he had a little bit of anxiety in him. So did I. We all probably did. Even bubbly Nari who never seemed to be troubled by anything.

"Right," I said, "Let's get some demigods."

Nari laughed. "That's the spirit."


"This is a stupid idea. This is a stupid idea. This is a really stupid idea!" I said, pacing back and forth through the living space of Mount Rainier.

Ever since our fortress had been destroyed, we had to make do with what we had...which wasn't much. Bellroc sat in front of the mirror correcting her hair or whatever.

"We're going to die. We're going to die. We're going to die! If not die, then seriously maimed or disfigured. W-what if mortals see us? We can't get caught. We've never been caught. What if they record us? What if people find us? Bellroc? Bellroc?! Are you even listening to me?"

Bellroc set down her comb. "Yes, Skrael," She said sternly. "I understand what you're saying. You're concerned. Angry. Perhaps even afraid-"

"-I'm not afraid-"

"Blah, blah, blah, I get it. I am, too. But this plan is all to get Nari and Phoenix back." She bent down and put her hands on my shoulders. "We have the Genesis Seals. All we need is them."

"Them and your little wizard friend."

Bellroc paused.

"Don't think I've been ignoring you. I see the way you looked at him in GDT Books. It was very suspicious. I did a little memory digging, but it was hard to do."

"Skrael..." Bellroc said.

"Relax, Bell, I didn't look at much. But why didn't you tell me? Tell us?"

Bellroc sighed. She stood up and grabbed her staff. "It's Bellroc..." She said before jumping from the mouth of the cave. I followed her continuing to engage in a lot of negative self-talk.

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