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"I am afraid for Nari," I said.

Skrael and I stood on the balcony looking outwards. Once again, the Guardians of Arcadia began complaining that it was too hot. Well, what did they expect? It was Mexico!

"What's the problem with Nari? Surely I'd assume that she'd be easier, I mean, you and her are very good friends. Plus, Nari is gentle. She won't go down with that bad of a fight, will she?"

"Yeah, but, the Titans have only gotten harder. I mean, yours was pretty bad. You tore up most of the living space, and...uh...we had to dry off a lot of books." We turned around and looked at Strickler and Eli who were still using hairdryers to get everything completely dry. "With Phoenix's, I just pray that Nari's Titan doesn't have wings."

"Yeah...she probably doesn't. She's the earth element." Skrael lowered his head, letting his hair cover up his eyes.

"What's the matter? You seem gloomier than usual."

"You and Zoe seem perfect for each other. I've never seen the two of you argue."

"Something tells me that this is about Phoenix."

"It's totally about Phoenix."

I laughed a little. "Alright, Skrael, what happened?"

"So, I told Phoenix about..."the frost"."

"And what did she say? O-or do?"

"She's afraid that her magic will affect me, too, so she's distancing herself from me."

"But you're still friends, right?"

"Of course, but she asked me if I loved her."

"Oh, no, what did you say?"

"I didn't freeze up or ignore her. I assumed she wanted us to be friends. It's not everyday that your ex-boyfriend decides he wants to destroy the entire world." Skrael hoisted himself onto the railing. "I'm not sure that's what Phoenix was asking in the first place."

"Well, then you've got to fix this."

"How do I fix this?"

"Okay, you've got a point. No offense to Phoenix or you, but Phoenix is one of those girls who tends to struggle to understand what you're saying or what you're trying to get at." 

"I feel you. One time I snapped at her because I mistook her voice for Nari's, and while I was trying to apologize, she thought I meant what I said."

"Well, you know what you have to do."


"Find the perfect moment and tell her how you really feel."

"There is an evil wizard who's kidnapped my sisters and wants to destroy us and the rest of the world. Can this moment be any more perfect?"

I frowned at Skrael's sarcastic comment.

"But it's different."

"What do you mean different?"

"Ever since we broke up and got back together, I don't really feel like I want to be in a relationship...? I don't quite know how to describe it."

"Well, how did you start dating?"

"It was her idea. I just went along with it."

"So what is your problem then?"

Skrael shrugged. "I don't know. I just don't like people, but I don't want to break Phoenix's heart."

"I'd suggest that you-"

"TITAN!" Shouted Toby.

"Nari?" I said.

A figure came into the distance. Nari's huge Titan which was shaped like a bear loomed in the distance. It was made entirely out of stone with several vines and other types of vegetation wrapped around, holding its large limbs together.

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