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When I woke up, my head was pounding, but apparently I was lying on something soft.

"Hisirdoux..." I said, realizing that he was sitting next to me and pressing a damp towel against my forehead.

"Sh, sh, don't move."

"Where's the Signal Watcher?"

"Gone, it left."

"And Skarel and Nari?"

"Nari's taking a nap. Skrael and Phoenix are in the living room."


"Listen, Hisirdoux, the spells I've been using to keep us hidden are very consuming. They're taking control of my magic, making me weak," Bellroc said weakly.

"Wait now, you're not dying, are you?" I asked, grabbing her hand.

"No, I'm not dying, but I'm not as well as I used to be."

"What was that thing out there? And why did it look like that maze creature or something Skrael said?"

"Signal Watchers."

I nodded.

"I figured you'd be too young to know. But these creatures are followers of a dark lord. A dark lord who we assumed to be dead."


Bellroc nodded. "Things aren't safe. Not for you, not for me, not for your friends, or anyone left on this Earth." She sat up.

"No, you should rest, you took a bad fall."

"No, Hisirdoux, in case things don't turn out the way I'd expect-"

"-no, no, no, what are you saying?-"

"I want you to know where the Seals are."

She stood up. While I supported her, she led me down the hall. Skrael was standing in the hall, too.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Skrael, he needs to know."

Skrael nodded. Bellroc held up her hands and twisted them in a circle motion, removing the heavy arcane spells on the door that had been sealed off. We stepped inside the room. The Seals floated on a platform where they were surrounded by another gate, with even more magic. Skrael reached out and grabbed them.

"So you're not restarting the world?" I asked.

"No, not anymore," he said.

"Right now, Skrael and I have agreed that the plan is to protect them."

"Wouldn't it be all the more easier to hide them, you know? Somewhere Aridam won't find them."

"Aridam is cunning," Skrael said. "He'll find a way, even if it means manipulating us to do it."

"Aridam won't be able to break through this magicks," Bellroc said.

"What would happen if he did get his hands on them?"

"You can say goodbye to everything you love," Skrael said.

"Shouldn't we tell Phoenix and Nari?"

"Let's not worry them."

Skrael left the room. Bellroc turned to me.

"Hisirdoux, if anything happens, I want to give some of my power to you."

"Wait, really?"

"You see, only I can open this gate, but if I am ever in danger, I need you to be the one to open it."

"Do you really trust me?"

"Of course I do, you're my son."

"But I were my enemy?"

"Yes, but-"

"Bellroc, the lake!" Skrael shouted.

We left the room to see Phoenix, and Skarel looking out the window at the lake.

"Oh no..." I said.

"What's going on?" Nari asked groggily.

She gasped when she saw it, too. The lake was decaying at an extremely fast rate. The water turned a deep shade of black as if polluted by oil, and then it began to bubble until it melted and evaporated into nothing.

"No..." Nari said.

Black veiny cracks began to form at the bank, and the mist rose up into the sky turning it a dark gray.

"I feared this," Bell said.

"What are we to do?" Phoenix said.

"Keep the Seals safe. No matter what." 

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