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"I honestly can't believe it! Skrael's gone!" I exclaimed.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Zoe replied. "He disappears all the time. Perhaps he's just playing a prank."

"Skrael doesn't do pranks."

She, Krel, and Archie raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, well...he wouldn't pull a prank in a situation like this."

"Mhm, sure he wouldn't," Archie said, flying around.

"Well, he left the dog," Krel said, gesturing towards Inferno who was running in circles, trying to catch his tail.

"What did the Order do with you?" Archie asked.

"Fun stuff, like I said. On day one, we had some really good breakfast. Fun fact: Bellroc—who prefers to be called Bell—can cook! On day two, we went down to the lake, and I learned how to skate. We also went on a boat ride, but then the boat crashed. On day three, Bellroc taught me some new spells. Now I can teleport extremely far distances, but I'm not too good at it. And today, Skrael and I had some fun. He also showed me where he and Bell buried Merlin. Double fun fact: I'm Bellroc's...son."

"SON?!" Zoe exclaimed.

"SON!" shouted Toby and Claire.

"SON!" Blinky shouted. "By Gorgus!"

They all began shouting and rambling and speaking at once, bombarding me with questions all while I smiled embarassedly. Perhaps I should've let out the information slowly.

"Eureka!" Jim shouted, from the crowd causing everyone to turn around in surprise. "I have a plan. Call me an evil genius, if you will, but it's so fool-proof, that it has to work."

"You said that about the Trifurcate Radiation," Krel added. "It failed."

"That was mainly Toby's fault," Aja added snarkily which made Toby scowl.

"I agree with Douxie," Jim said. "He should go back."

"I never said that," I said, my voice trailing off.

"You did! And we will let you go back!"

"Really?" Claire said.

"Really?" I asked, feeling nervous of this idea.

"You don't get it, do you? We don't know where the Genesis Seals are, but Douxie will. All he has to do is earn Bellroc's trust, get her to reveal its location, steal them, and return them to us. We'll hide them in a place that no one will dare to look!"

"The uncalcuable distance of space?" Aja suggested.

"No! The Pacific Ocean. The Seals will sink, right, Doux?"

"Uh...I guess so, but-"


"-but I don't feel good about this," I said. "I don't feel comfortable going against my mother's trust."

"Is she really your mother?" Jim said.

"Jim!" Claire said, surprised.

"Alright, sorry, I went too far. But she's trying to destroy the world. All you have to do is turn around, and that gives her enough time to start the spell and its Arcane Armageddeon."

"She trusts me. Plus, I'd be going against what I said to Phoenix and Nari. She and Skrael have really made up, I think. I don't want to break anyone's heart."

"But imagine how good it would feel to know that the Genesis Seals aren't around? If you do it quickly, they won't even notice. You can spend the rest of your days with your mom! How fun would that be?"

"I guess it would be fun, but I don't believe that. I believe that right now, I'm comfortable. Right now I'm fine."

"Douxie, do it."


"Do it, or you're off the team."

Everyone went silent as my face reverted from defiance to surprise.

"Now that seems a little overkill," Archie added. "He does have free will, Jim."

"But I'm the leader of this team, and I make the decisions, don't I?"

"This decision is stupid," Zoe said.

"Yeah!" Krel added. "We're basically asking him to go against his family, and the Arcane Order didn't do anything. See unlike you, we've actually had a conversation with Skrael."

Jim didn't seem to care.

"A friendly conversation," Zoe added.

"Do it. We're trying to save the world, Douxie. Which is more important? The world or your family?"

I teleported into the living room where Bellroc had apparently been waiting for me. The look of concern disappeared from her face as she ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Oh, my gosh, Hisirdoux! I was looking all over the place; I couldn't find you anywhere! I nearly had a panic attack!"

I wrapped my arms around her, not wanting to let go.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's the matter?" she asked, surprised that I was squeezing her so tightly.

I closed my eyes and blocked out all sounds and sights, happy that I could be in her arms. Bell didn't say anything. She simply leaned her head against mine caressing my hair.

Right now...I didn't know which family to turn to. 

Arcane Order's Adopted SonWhere stories live. Discover now