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"Why, Nari? Why?" Skrael asked.

"Why not? If you don't want it, I can keep it," Nari said. Skarel floated ahead as Nari and I struggled to pull the giant lavender owl plushie out of the store's automatic doors. We heard a snap and looked back to see that the doors had come off the hinges. Nari and I looked away from them and proceeded to drag the plushie.

"At least help us!" Nari said.

"Fine!" Skrael said, joining Nari in the dragging of the plushie.

I saw a flash of blue light. I dropped my side of the stuffed animal—the wing—and turned to the woods surrounding the small shopping malls and looked at the forest. There were more flashes of a medium blue light blinking back and forth. It was like someone was running with a bunch of Christmas lights.

"Weird," I said aloud.

There was also a flash of orange and a little bit of a red. Was that magic or something? I turned to Nari and Skrael and groaned since we hadn't even made it a few feet past the mall with the broken doors. People were beginning to stare at us.

"Amateurs," I said, pushing them aside and flying over the stuffed animal, covering it in pixie dust. If there's one thing I learned, it's that when in doubt...pixie dust all the way. The plushie floated and walked ahead as it followed me.

"She's a genius," Nari said.

She and Skrael quickly caught up with me.

"So do you think you can make the furniture fly once we get back?" Nari asked.

"With what?"

"The dust!"

I'd always wondered what it would be like to make other objects float.

"I have a limited supply of dust."

"Can't you make more?" Skrael said.

"Actually, yes, but I mean I have a limited supply of the gold dust. It helps me fly, the blue dust that you often see me with, makes my powers stronger. And speaking of blue, did either of you see those blue lights up in the trees?"

"No," Nari said.

"No," Skrael said.

I looked back up and saw that they were gone. Suddenly there was a large flash of blue like a strike of lightning.

"Did either of you see that?" I said.

"Totally." Nari said. "Let's go find out what it is!"

She took my hand and began running towards the trees where there were more smaller flashes of blue. There was a flash of red, too. I pulled out my bow and arrow.

"You're not going to kill anything, are you?" Nari asked as I set the arrow in the nocking point of the bow.

I pulled it back to see how good of an aim I could get. "That depends on what that anything is."

I began walking closer towards the forest. It got darker once we reached the clearings and my wings, armor and the arrows, the snowflakes on my arms, and the diamond patterns in my antlers emitted a sky blue glow.

"Pretty," Nari said.

I pulled back the arrow and pointed it at the blue light.

"No, no, no! Don't shoot!" called Douxie.

"Wait—Phoenix! It's Douxie!" Nari said.

"Douxie?" I said, confused on why he was here.

"Hisirdoux, wait up!" Bellroc's voice called.

"Bell?!" Nari called.


Within a flash of fire, Bellroc appeared in front of us. Skarel snow-traveled near us and began berating us for running off without him. Douxie teleported in front of us and picked me up, spun me around, and hugged me. Bell hugged me tightly, and I dropped my bow and arrow.

"You know I can't run that fast, Nari," Skrael said when Douxie put Nari on the ground.

"You ran plenty fast when you were chasing Douxie and me in the fortress!"

"There was a reason for that," Skrael said. "Now someone please tell us why you two are out here?!"

"I was teaching Douxie teleportation," Bellroc said.

"And did you succeed?"

"Yes and no," Douxie said. "I mean, I'm obviously not as good as you."

"Obviously," Skrael said.

"How was your guys' day?" Bellroc asked.

"Oh, it was amazing!" Nari said, butting into the conversation gleefully. "We went to the park, then a skate rink. Everybody said I was cute, people said Phoenix should be in the Olympics—whatever that is—and Skrael got all the girls! We then went to a comic-con, then we got ice cream. And finally THIS!"


'Well, I didn't get ALL the girls, but I mainly did spend time around one girl specifically—Phoenix.'

Nari gestured to the giant owl plushie floating above our heads and casting an ominous shadow.

"We didn't even pay for it," Phoenix admitted.

"It was $19,999!"

"It was $199.99, Nari," I corrected, wanting to facepalm myself.

"Other than that, we had a great day."

"I'm glad you did," Bellroc said. "Come on, let's go home, and get this—whatever that is—inside the cave." 

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