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 Waking up and walking over to the living room, I noticed that no one was there, not even Inferno. In fact, I didn't see him anywhere. His empty dog bed sat in the living room by the couch. Taking the opportunity, I started going down the hallways, after placing a tracking spell to the room of course. That way if I got lost, I could just teleport here. They were long and creepy. Especially since everything was so dark. The hallways' shadows seemed to creep up and down as if following me like a Shadow Mephit.

I was walking down a hallway when I found a set of dark wood doors. Curious, I opened them to find a huge library. It kind of reminded me of a mix of the library in Beauty and the Beast and Harry Potter. The place was huge! Not to mention the books were floating around the place. There were several huge bookshelves, a ladder, and spiraling staircases that went up and up to reach dizzying heights. I ducked as a dictionary soared over my head.

'Cool. Or as Toby would say, "awesome-sauce". I miss him.'

Looking around, I started understanding how and where books were placed and found the magic section. It took awhile since almost everything wasn't in English, Latin, Greek, or Troll. Mainly in some kind of unknown language called Kivatoor. I don't remember ever seeing that language in any spell book!

It took a while, and a lot of book reading, but I finally found one that I think is interesting. It was about the history of the world. Except it wasn't history the way you'd expect. It was before the guys who wrote history! Like, the time of the beginning of the Arcane Order. The paper was old and crinkly, so I made sure to turn the pages extra carefully. Despite everything being ancient, there was enough action to beat a Marvel comic book. There were some sigils and drawn images of diagrams of mortals, wizards, and other animals being compared in the book, but other than that it was words in the Latin language. The book was called: Ιστορία όλων των Ιστοριών. The book was really thick, at least a thousand pages. It talked about what the beginning of the world was like. The beginning of the earth and all of that stuff, too. But what really caught my eye in Ιστορία όλων των Ιστοριών was the info about wizards of the past. Merlin taught me that wizards had a tendency to be savages, but never like this.

"Wizards would sometimes consume one another to intake another's magical abilities."

Maybe Merlin wanted to spare me the bloody and gruesome details that were given to me by continuing to read this book. I also learned that other wizards had sought to get their grubby hands on the Genesis Seals, too! Most of those wizards just had a hatred for humans or something and barely succeeded. And by barely, I mean that they failed miserably in comparison to the Order. However there was one wizard who nearly destroyed the Order. The parts about him were in an incalculable language, but based on some of the previous paragraphs, I managed to translate a little bit about him. His name was Aridam, and he almost said the spell before the Order imprisoned him in a magical force field that would never break.

Pushing the weird information to the side, I found a spell book called øuꞇó magicae. Right away, I could tell it's not just one language, so figuring out which languages took a bit, but after a while, I found out it was Latin, Greek, and Georgian. I took the book and brought it over to the seating area, I started looking into the book on plant magic. I needed to learn new spells, or more or less, I wanted to learn new spells.

'I wonder why it's in so many languages.'

Interested in learning more about the spell, I continued reading about it and a few other books about the natural elements.


I woke up later than I expected. Usually I wake up and the sun still hasn't risen, but now there was a foggy gray outside of the window. I pulled away the dark purple-blue curtains and stared outside groggily. Another day with Douxie. Yipee... I climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see what Bellroc, Phoenix, and Nari were up to. To my surprise, the kitchen was completely empty. Inferno was padding at the windows and whining.

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