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 "Douxie! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I awoke to see Nari jumping up and down on the bed and shaking me in an attempt to wake me up. Skrael stood at the foot of the bed, holding his staff and giving me a look of annoyance. Phoenix flittered by the doorway, her small hands clasped together as if waiting for something to happen.

"Bellroc said to wake him up gently," Skrael said.

"Well, he wouldn't wake up when I whispered in his ear..." Nari said, climbing off the bed.

Suddenly Inferno ran into the room and began licking my face.

"Alright, alright, I'm awake!" I said, laughing.

"Good, now I no longer have to see your stupid face," Skrael said, floating out of the room.

Phoenix flew after him. "Skrael!" she called. "Wait!"


I floated down the hallway thinking of random stuff, you could say. I heard footsteps behind me. If anyone were following me, it would be Nari.

"Skrael, wait up!" said a high voice.

Oh, it was definitely Nari!

I turned around, "Ugh! Why are you so annoying and clingy!-" I paused. It wasn't was Phoenix. Phoenix stood there, her wings lowering, looking kind of hurt. Her eyes grew larger, it seemed. "Oh...uh...I did not know you were standing there."

Phoenix said nothing.

"You think I'm annoying?"

"No, no, no!"

"And clingy?"

"No. We—Phoenix, remember, we dated. I loved you. I love you."

"So what'd you just say to me? Was that a joke, or something?"

"Phoenix, you know that I would never say something like that."

"Is this all about what happened on the train and...the fortress?"

"No, why would I bring that up? That had nothing to do with this!" I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder, but I accidentally zapped her. It wasn't very dramatic though, like a light jolt.

"Ow!" she said.

"Phoenix, really, I am so sorry. I'm just really tense nowadays-"

"-you didn't seem tense when we were down in the dungeons. Frankly, you seemed like you wanted to kill Douxie."

"No, I don't..."

"Don't lie to me, Skrael. Well, I'll get out of your way then since I'm so annoying," she said, passing me. I continued to look at her as she flew towards the dining room.

'Ugh! Why are you such an idiot?!'

"What's going on?!" Nari asked, appearing out of nowhere.

Maybe she was somewhere, but often times it seemed that she just spawned spontaneously.

"Nothing," I said, trying to relax after Nari nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Why's Phoenix so unhappy?"

"Nothing! STAY OUT OF IT!" I screamed, turning away from her and walking into the dining room.


After Skrael left the room, I stuck my tongue out at him and then pulled Douxie out of the bed.

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