on my mothers grave.

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(Y/n)'s POV:

After speaking with Obi-Wan, I decided to go to the archives and read up on force visions. Anything related to the dark side of the force is prohibited from anyone who isn't on the council, unless otherwise stated. So I spent my time reading a few books about what visions can mean and where they can come from. Not to my surprise, none mentioned anything in regards to the Sith or the dark side of the force.

'Jedi are known to have elaborate and often cryptic visions of the past, present, and future. These visions can ovvur at any time, but are particularly common during meditation or sleep.'

That sounds about right.

'They can serve as grim warnings of what is to come, but they can also hold secrets and solutions that can aid the Jedi in their quests.'

Upon reading the final sentence of the chapter, I sensed someone approaching me. Much to my dismay, Skywalker walked up to the corner table I was seated at and tapped on the wood twice to gain my attention. When I didn't give him the satisfaction of addressing his presence, he loudly cleared his throat.

"Hello Master." I said in a monotone as I turned my head slightly to face him. His tall stature hovered above me as he stared down at my face.

"What did you and Obi-Wan speak about?" He sat himself down in the chair beside mine and stared me down. I closed my book and set it face down on the table.

"Why do you care?" I scoffed, watching as his body language changed from intimidating to something entirely different, yet I couldn't quite name what the change was.

"It's my responsibililty to care padawan." He rolled his eyes as he slightly slouched backwards in the chair.

"Anakin Skywalker being responsible? Tatooine must have frozen over." I sarcastically teased him with a light chuckle to my words. At the mention of his home planet his body stiffened, but quickly relaxed as he clenched and unclenched his fists. "I didn't tell him anything about my concerns regarding the Chancellor. Don't worry Ani, your boyfriend was left out of our conversation completely." I finished and his face fell into an expression of perplexation.

"Ani?" Was all he said as he placed his elbows on his knees and leaned closer to me, "Say that again." He spoke low and alluring as a soft smirk crept onto his face. I didn't like how it made me feel, nor how it made a pink blush spread across my cheeks.

Clearing my throat I said, "Has anyone ever told you how bad of a listener you are Skywalker?"

He laughed and smiled softly, "Yeah maybe once or twice." I smiled sarcastically at him as I went to pick up my book and continue reading. "What are you reading?" He used his fingers to tilt the cover of the book in his direction so he could read the title.

"I'm trying to understand more about my nightmares. Or visions. I'm not quite sure what they are yet." I didn't really want to talk to him about this right now, I was still fairly upset over the comment he made regarding Sola. Everytime I thought about it a ball of pure rage formed deep within me. I despised it.

"How have they been?" He softly asked as he leaned back in his chair, creating distance between us again.

"Fine." I said sharply, hoping he would take the hint and stop asking. Of course, I was wrong.

"You know I can't help you if you keep lying to me. I thought I already told you that?" His voice sounded as if he was somewhat hurt by my actions, although I severely doubted it.

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