uncle ben.

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I opened my eyes and adjusted to the darkness of my bedroom. My heart was beating rapidly and my whole body was coated in sweat, something I was used to by now. I tried to think back no the dream I just had. I remembered waking up in the lavender-scented meadow and seeing those two kids again, and this time an older version of Obi-Wan was there, but they called him Uncle Ben. 

I jumped out of my bed and after realizing I had fallen asleep in my Jedi robes I made my way through the hallways in search of Master Kenobi. 

I didn't know where he would be, or if he would even be on planet. The war had picked up in the last couple of days and I know many of the council members were more concerned with finding out who brought the krykna and its babies here. 

I hadn't forgotten about the way Obi-Wan stayed silent during Anakin and I's beratement at the hands of Master Windu, but I wasn't that mad at him. I could see in his eyes during the entirety of our lecture he wanted to say something to defend us, but I understood why he stayed silent. He was a very-- by the book kind of Jedi. 

I had spent the majority of the last two days sleeping, and it suddenly dawned on me as I continued my search for Master Kenobi that I knew nothing of the attack on the temple. After what had happened later that night, the next day, and so far today, it had just slipped my mind. I'm brought away from my thoughts as I hear Master Kenobi's voice coming from down the hallway. I can't help myself as I sprint towards him and call out his name, "Master Kenobi!"

I didn't notice the person standing beside him however, and just by my luck, it was my master. I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw him and continued in Kenobi's direction. 

"Hello Padawan (Y/l/n), how can I help you?" He asks with a kind smile gracing his features. I smiled back at him and responded softly, 

"I need to speak with you, alone." I side eyed Anakin and narrowed my eyes as I said this, before quickly turning back to face Obi-Wan. 

"Of course. Anakin, we can continue this discussion later." His voice was more stern as he spoke to Anakin, making me wonder what they were talking about before I showed up. He turned to smile at me and we began walking down the hall, away from Anakin. 

If you're about to tell him what I think you are. Don't. I've already taken care of it. I heard Anakin's commanding voice in my head, and I thought of retaliating but came up with something better. I placed my force shields up as Obi-Wan and I continued to walk away from Anakin, leaving him stranded and alone in the hallway.


"What is it you wanted to discuss (Y/n)?" Obi-Wan asks as he glances over in my direction. 

I gather all the courage I can and begin to prepare him by informing him of the first dream I had of the children. Once I finished that short story I proceeded to explain the dream from a mere half hour ago. "And as I entered the kitchen, I placed my hand on your shoulder, just to see if you were real or simply a figment of my imagination. And Master Kenobi, I swear it felt the same as it does right now," I said placing my hand on his shoulder to prove my point, "And as soon as I made contact with you, you looked at me and you saw me." I finished my story by telling him what he had said to me, about how he failed me and how he said there was nothing more he could do. 

I looked over to him and his face was contorted in deep thought as he processed everything I had just told him. "What do you take from this?" He asked me. I thought for a moment and came up with two conclusions, a logical one and an illogical one. 

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