beat by a girl.

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

I am awoken from my slumber by a pounding on my door. I open my eyes and look at my clock, I was supposed to meet Skywalker in the training room an hour ago. I jolt up out of bed and rush to the door, fearing the worst. I open the door and am met with an angry-looking Skywalker towering above me. "You're late, padawan." He hisses at me. "I'm sorry Master I must have overslept," I responded, having to strain my neck to meet his eyes. "As a Jedi, 'overslept' should not be in your vocabulary. You have much to learn. Run 20 laps around the temple and then we will begin your training." he says sternly before turning around to walk away. 

"20 laps? My legs are bound to fall off." I mutter to myself as I exit my room. 

"Maybe that will teach you the importance of being puncutal." Skywalker snaps as he turns around to face me again. Well, I thought I was quiet enough for him not to hear but I guess not. "Yes, Master Skywalker," I mutter before turning away from him and beginning to run. 

After running my laps around the humongous temple my mouth tasted of iron and my legs were on fire. I make my way to the training room and down a whole water bottle upon my entry. Skywalker is nowhere to be seen, so I plop down on the floor and take a quick break. I decide to meditate in my spare moments of peace before I'm no doubt made to endure more "training". I don't understand what running laps have to do with becoming a better Jedi, I would've thought the chosen one had more wisdom to share not just torture me. He really is an arrogant asshole, I don't know how I'm going to get through these next few years. 

"My wisdom is reserved for those who earn it padawan. Not those who are incompetent and unpunctual." I hear him say from behind me, startling me from my meditative state. Did I say all that out loud? "You didn't need to." He scoffs as he walks towards me. 

"You can hear my thoughts? I thought that skill takes years to develop, not even Master Windu can read thoughts," I say as I stand to face him. 

"Windu cannot comprehend half of the abilities I have, and he will never come close," he says with a hint of vexation in his voice. He clearly despises the Jedi Master. Wait, if he could hear my thoughts was he listening when I first saw him in the council room? After this morning I already knew I would have to be careful with what I said around him but now I need to watch what I think too? 

Skywalker walks past me to a table on the far side of the room filled with objects to train with. He picks up a red ball and before I can comprehend what's happening he throws it directly at me. I duck down avoiding the ball and he calls it back to him with the force. "What the hell?" I say irritated. 

"You should always be prepared padawan. Always be on guard, and expect the unexpected." As he says the last word I can sense he plans on throwing it again, so before he gets the chance I call the ball to my hands using the force, and it comes into my grip almost instantly. I catch a glimpse of something in his eyes, he looks impressed, although his expression quickly falters into something more malicious as I see every object from the table lift into the air and come flying toward me. 

I dodge what I can as he sends rubber balls, wooden sticks, and more flying in my direction. I manage to grab onto one of the wooden sticks and begin deflecting the objects towards him, while simultaneously using the force to throw the objects back at him. The red ball he threw at me first hits him in the face and he becomes distracted, his force grip on everything faltering, and I take this opportunity to charge towards him and knock his legs out from under him with the stick, placing my foot on his chest. I look down at him smiling and feeling proud of myself, "I win." I say breathing heavily. A smirk appears on his face, "Are you sure about that?" He says as I suddenly feel a hand around the back of my knee and fall harshly onto the ground on my back, knocking the wind out of me. Skywalker maintains his grip on my knee pushing it up to my chest, as he pins me down with his other arm resting across my collarbone, making it impossible for me to move under his strength. 

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