dark side.

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Anakin's POV:

3 days ago...

It's been two days since anyone has seen my padawan. After the medical droids wheeled her out of the training room I told Obi-Wan and Yoda about her nightmares. I'm starting to think they're more on the verge of visions than nightmares, especially taking into account they way they've been infiltrating her days.

"Visions, you say?" Yoda says as I stare down at the ground, my arms crossed behind my back.

"Yes Master. I'm worried about her. She told me of her nightmares a while ago, when I first sensed something coming from her room. A dark presence. She screamed and I made my way to her room and forced her to tell me what happened." I tell him, still avoiding his gaze.

"Continue, you may." That is all he says.

"Before we left for our mission she had another one, but she was wide awake. Her eyes had rolled back into her head, and her body was colder than ice. I tried everything I could to wake her up, but nothing worked. When she awoke she told me someone was going to kill me. She speaks of this tall dark figure as if he's real, as if she knows him. And then during our time in Naboo she seemed safe, she had no visions, and no nightmares. And now that we're back, this has been the worst I've seen so far. Her nose had never bled like that and she was colder than I'd ever felt her before." I finish with a sigh, finally looking up to see the little green man deep in thought.

"Suggesting, what are you?" He finally says this after a few moments of silence.

"I think someone may be messing with my padawans head, somehow forcing her to see these things." I say, glancing over to Obi-Wan before I continue, "That's possible right?" I ask desperately.

I despised seeing her like this, I had never sensed the presence as strongly as I did just moments ago, and the second her eyes opened it was gone. I make a mental note to visit her in the medical lab when she is feeling better and her ankle is healed to ask her more about these nightmares. I can't handle the thought that something might happen to her because of them.

"It is possible yes, but it is a trait we Jedi do not have the cababilities to harness. That kind of power can only come from someone strong with the dark side of the force." Obi-Wan says with a thoughtful expression on his face.


After that Master Yoda suggested I go to the meditation chambers and reconnect myself with the force, to calm my nerves he said. I sat down on one of the many platforms in the room and began meditating. I closed myself off from everything and everyone else. I felt the force coursing through my veins, intoxicating my mind with it's calm and serene peace. That is until I heard a faint whisper beside my ear,


My eyes sprung open as I turned to my left, where the whisper came from, hoping to see her, but instead I was met with darkness. I was then filled with a sense of dread which was quick to erase the peace I felt during my short lived meditation. I knew something was wrong, I knew I had to find her. I jumped up from my position on the ground and ran from the meditation chambers in search of the medical lab she should be in. The moment I opened the door my heart sank into my stomach.

The room was completely empty, aside from the dead droids that littered the floor.

I pulled out my comlink and called for Obi-Wan.

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