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(Y/n)'s pov:

I'm awoken the following morning by the familiar pounding of fists on my door. Great, arrogant Anakin is back. As I fell asleep last night I came to the conclusion that the odd feeling I felt was nothing to focus on, and the way my body reacted to his touch was just natural instinct. He hates me, or at least the idea of me since he doesn't know anything about me. And I don't fully hate him, but I'm getting pretty close. If he keeps up the rude wake-up calls it'll definitely speed up the process. "Padawan, wake up! The council has requested our presence." Anakin shouts through the door. I look over at the clock and it's so early I doubt the sun has even risen yet. I roll out of bed and trudge over to the door, not caring who sees me in my sleeping clothes. I yank the door open and shoot Anakin a death glare, "Skywalker, it is 4 o'clock in the morning. Why in maker's name would the council request our presence so early.". 

"Well young padawan, the council has requested our presence in two hours, but I have a feeling they'll be sending us somewhere, and I'm not sure if you're well-trained enough for any kind of mission. So I've decided we will work on combat training while we wait." He states matter of factly. "But-" Before I can continue he closes the door in my face. "Get changed and meet me in the training room. You have 5 minutes, and if you arent there in 5 minutes, you can run 40 laps after our meeting with the council." He speaks through the door and I begin rushing to get ready, knowing his little comment about running laps was no joke. 

After our two hour 'training' session which consisted of Anakin firing a stun gun at me and then attacking me at random points throughout the hours, claiming I wasn't "paying attention", we made our way to the council room. I rubbed my shoulder where he hit me multiple times with the stun gun, "Don't be a baby, you're fine." he says coldly. I shoot him a glare before keeping my head forwards and ignoring his hurtful comment, as if yesterday he wasnt forcing me to stay in his lap while he stitched up my neck. What an asshole. 

We enter the council room to be met with many familiar faces, Master Kenobi is the first to greet us "Ah Anakin, (y/n), how are the two of you today?" he asks with a beaming smile. "Good, Thank you Master." Anakin and I respond at the same time. Obi-Wan nods his head as Master Yoda stands from his chair in the room, "You two, good morning. A mission for you, we have." He says lighting up a projection on the holo table in front of him. I feel a surge of excitement coursing through my veins, I've never been on a mission before. I've heard thousands of stories about what a Jedi mission could be like, and I've definitely fantasized about what my first one would be like. Although I would've imagined having a Master with a smaller ego by my side. "What is this mission Master? If I may say so, I don't believe my padawan has been trained enough to be placed in battle." Anakin states respectfully to Master Yoda, but I can hear the irritation in his voice. "Battle, it is not." Yoda says. This dampens my spirits, but piques my curiosity, "Hand off important files, you must. To Naboo, you will travel. Meet with Senator Amidala in the Lake Country, you will." Yoda says as he hands Anakin a thick envelope with a red seal. "Yes Master." Anakin says as we bow to Yoda and the other council members. "All, that is." Master Yoda says, dismissing us from the room with a wave of his hand. 

Anakin and I exit the council room and begin to walk down the hallway. "I can't believe this. Just last week I was fighting off battle droids with my fleet, and now thanks to you I'm stuck on file duty." Anakin says as he scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry Master Skywalker, but I would argue being sent on any kind of mission is better than staying here all day. At least on my end, you'd no doubt force me to run until I collapsed just for your amusement." I say returning his scoff and eye roll. 

"Y'know, that might be nice. We leave in two hours. Run 40 laps while I prepare the ship." he says without even looking at me, and turns around in the opposite direction towards our rooms. "Asshole." I say to myself before taking a deep breath and starting my laps. 

After racing through the temple to finish my laps before we leave, I return to my room and grab a small bag I keep packed just in case something like this happens and I need to leave the temple on a whim. I head into the washroom and grab my toothbrush and any other necessities I may need and stuff them into my to go bag. As I turn to exit the washroom and walk through the doors, I freeze on the spot. I'm no longer in my room. I'm back in that dark and cold space from my nightmare. Except I couldn't be asleep. There's no way I fell asleep just as I walked through a door, that's impossible? Isn't it? I close my eyes and shake my head, hoping to wake up from whatever this is. 

I open my eyes to see I've escaped the dark empty void, only to see I'm in some sort of cell. The walls are made of cold gray metal and there's a wall of glass just before me. I press my face against the glass and try to get a look of the dark hallway outside. I notice that across from me there's a cell identical to mine, only empty. I walk over to the door of my cell and try to harness the force to open it. "I wouldn't do that if i were you." A deep booming voice calls out from behind me, causing me to spin around and come face to face with the tall masked figure from earlier. "Why am I here? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask him as calmly as I can manage. He says nothing as he walks closer to me, the sound of mechanical breathing getting louder with each step he takes. His walk is not menacing, he seems much calmer than he was in my nightmare. I plant my feet on the ground refusing to back down to this thing as he steps right in front of me so we're only inches away from each other. He leans his helmet head down to meet mine and says, "You shouldn't have come here, padawan.". His words twist my gut and cause me to fall backwards. My chest is heaving up and down as I try to search through the force to pinpoint who this mysterious man is. "Anakin?" I manage to choke out before seeing the all to familiar red glow. It's a lightsaber, one belonging to a sith lord. 

The man shakes his head and kneels down, placing his hand on my shoulder to keep my torso upright, "No, I killed Anakin Skywalker." he says only inches away from my face, and I swear I could've heard him let out a dry chuckle. My breathing is erratic and although I can sense what's going to happen next, nothing can prepare me for the searing pain of his lightsaber igniting into my stomach, plunging me into darkness once again. 

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