we need to talk.

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(Y/n)'s POV:

"Not much longer now dear, the time will soon be upon us."

I gasp and open my eyes only to be met with darkness. The mysterious gravelly voice repeatedly echoes through the void as I move from my sitting position to stand up and survey my surroundings. I seem to be in the void from my nightmares, but this time it doesn't feel as cold. 

It feels almost inviting.

I walk around aimlessly, with no destination in mind. Suddenly, I feel a pull in a certain direction. I follow the pull and the more I walk the closer the pull becomes. I walk for what feels like ages until I see a doorway in the distance. I approach the door and place my hand on the doorknob, feeling a sense of unease as I do so.

I remind myself that this is just a dream, and turn the knob to open the door.

Behind the door is the bedroom from one of my previous visions, the one where Anakin and I lay in bed. Except this time, it's empty. I sense no presence other than my own, so I make my way through the room and begin exploring. I walk over to the unmade bed and run my hands along the silk sheets, then I walk over to the nightstand where I notice a picture frame. It takes a moment for me to realize who it is.

Anakin and I, him in an all-black suit and I in a white dress with a veil over my head. He stands beside me with his arm around my waist and my face is turned up looking at him and smiling.

The background looks familiar as well, a beautiful crystal blue lake shimmers behind us. I recognize the lake to be the one from Padme's lake house on Naboo. I put the picture back down on the nightstand and continued my exploration through the room.

I made my way onto the balcony when suddenly, I sensed someone behind me. I turn and am met with Anakin, smiling as he walks over to me.

"Hello, princess." He says with a hint of admiration in his voice.

"Anakin, where am I?" I ask. I know this is just a figment of my imagination, but I have so many questions I need answered.

"Our room?" He says confusedly as he walks closer to me and takes my hands into his. I allow him to grasp my hands in his own, feeling comforted by the ghostly touch.

"Our room?" I repeat with wide eyes, staring at him in confusion and disbelief.

His hands let go of mine as he places them on my stomach. I look down and notice a large bump, how did I not notice that before?

"How are you feeling?" He asks as his thumbs trace circles on my engorged abdomen.

"Confused," I answer honestly.

"About what princess?" He says with intrigue, his grip on my stomach tightening and his thumbs pressing deep into my skin.

"About this, all of this. I don't understand what this means." I confess, on the verge of tears.

"You will soon, I promise." His voice changes suddenly, and I find a sense of unease entering my veins as his grip on me becomes impossibly tight.

"Anakin you're hurting me," I whisper out, hoping he will release me.

"The time will soon be upon us my love, be patient. You will see." His voice changes entirely, matching that of the mysterious man's angry and gravelly tone.

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