'mommy issues'.

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Anakin's POV:

I watched as my padawan walked into the no doubt disgusting bathroom in the bar. I made sure she was safely inside before returning to the bar to get myself another drink. It wasn't long before I was joined by another, a woman I recognized was hanging around (Y/n) earlier.

"Hello handsome, nice to see you again." She says as she moves to stand beside me, brushing her arm against mine. I glance over at her and give her a tight-lipped smile, before returning my attention ahead of me facing the bar.

"What, not a big talker?" She asks as she places her hand on my shoulder and turns me slightly to face her. "How about this, you tell me your name, and I'll tell you mine?" She asks, trying to be seductive but I only found her efforts to be vile and pathetic.

I kept quiet and narrowed my eyes at her, trying to send her the hint that I was not interested. Sure she was attractive, and I had kissed girls before. Well, two. Padme and someone else when I was much much younger, but never anything more. I had thought about it, and I have definitely had the opportunities to do more with very beautiful women, but I could never bring myself to do more than flirt with them.

At this moment however, I didn't even have an interest in entertaining the woman beside me. She sighed and let out the most god awful laugh I had ever heard. She sounded worse than a Wookie.

"You wanna be like then then, hmm okay." She brought the hand that wasn't on my shoulder to her chin, pretending to be deep in thought as I continued to stare at her with narrowed eyes. Her hand slowly moved down to my bicep and she gave a little squeeze as she said, "Since you wanna play Mr. Shyguy, my name is Sola and I can make your dreams come true. Got any credits?" She winked at me and I wanted to vomit. I realized exactly what was happening here. She was some sort of prostitute, and I was slightly offended that she thought I of all people would need to pay for sex.

Despite my slight offense, I wanted to get rid of this girl fast, but I was raised by Obi-Wan to be kind and polite at all times, but especially to women. I didn't always listen, but I do tend to have more respect for women then for men.

Obi-Wan likes to say I have 'mommy issues'.

I gave Sola another tight lipped smile and leaned closer so I could whisper in her ear, "If you don't remove your hand from me in the next ten seconds, I will show you why they call me the chosen one."

I backed away and looked at her wide eyes, "You're Anakin Skywalker?" She practically whispered and I could feel the fear begin to seep into her body. I nodded my head and waved my hand,

"You will leave this bar and return to your home."

"I will leave this bar and head to my home." She repeated in a monotone, her eyes semi glassed over.

"You will rethink your desicions, and change your life for the better."

"I need to rethink my desicions, and change my life for the better." Once again she repeated it monotonously.

"And you will forget you ever saw Anakin Skywalker."

"I never saw Anakin Skywalker." She responded as she walked away from me and out of the bar. I smiled at myself, proud of what I had done. Sure I threatened the girl, but now she will go home and induce positive change for herself, and hopefully others. I'd say that outweighs the fruitless threats.

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