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(Y/n)'s Pov:

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring throughout my small room. The harsh chirping reminds me that today is my first day as a padawan. I am finally moving up in the ranks of the Jedi. This is what every moment of every day of the last 19 years of my life has led to. Not only is it my first day as a padawan, but my master is none other than the chosen one himself, Anakin Skywalker. I've heard stories from my fellow padawans of his bravery on missions, and how even his most reckless and irresponsible actions have outstanding outcomes. I must admit, these stories alongside the fact that he is the chosen one make me slightly nervous to become his padawan. I was brought into the order when I was 8, so I was already behind the rest of the younglings my age and had to work twice as hard to catch up with them. Some of my peers would poke fun at me, whether verbally or physically, so I have always felt the need to learn more and do more to prove them wrong. I suppose I have the same mindset when it comes to being a padawan. If I'm going to be the chosen one's padawan, I better prove I deserve it. 

It's very early in the morning, the sun is just barely rising, and I'm headed to the dining hall near my dorm to fuel up before the long day ahead. As I walk through the vast and open hallway of the Jedi Temple I feel a presence in the force, and it feels close to me. I quickly scan my head around my surroundings and freeze when I see someone behind me leaning on the wall to my left. They are wearing their Jedi robes with the hood up and covering their head, but I did not recognize this person. I can tell they're strong with the force because of how intense their presence is. The mysterious hooded figure remains leaning against the wall as they lift their head to make eye contact with me. All I can seem to make out is a shade of ice blue contrasting the dark Jedi attire before they break eye contact and turn and walk away. Despite our distance, I can still feel their signature in the force. I stand there for a moment, confused and kind of concerned, as my stomach growls reminding me where I was headed. I push the thought from my mind, along with the image of their piercing blue eyes, and continue towards my destination. 

After eating a small breakfast I head to the council room where I will be meeting my new master. My nerves are running high, my palms are sweaty so I wipe them on my robes as I stand outside the council room door, anxiously delaying the inevitable. So many thoughts are running through my head, what if he doesn't like me?  What if I won't be a good padawan? What if this is all a mistake? I try to push these thoughts away but they stay persistent in my mind. The door to the council room opens and I see Master Yoda along with two others I've never seen before. One has their back turned to me and the other who is facing me has a scruffy blonde beard and pretty blue eyes. 

"Ah you must be (y/n)!" the blonde bearded man says as he approaches me, "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi." He introduces himself as he reaches his hand out for me to shake it. As soon as I hear his name I immediately recognize him, Obi-Wan is one of the best Jedi masters, known for his kindness and patience. I truly respect him. 

"Hello Master Kenobi, it's an honour." I say while shaking his hand. 

"The honour is all mine dear." He responds with a beaming smile. "Big day, today is." Master Yoda speaks as he stands from his chair across the room. As Master Yoda stands the figure who once stood beside Obi-Wan turns around and I'm met with the piercing blue eyes from earlier in the hallway. My breath catches in my throat as I take in his appearance. He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, he's angelic and his presence is overwhelming. Almost instantly I recognize this man to be the same man from the hallway, his force presence is overwhelming. 

I can feel my cheeks go flush as I quickly break our eye contact and realize Master Yoda has been speaking this whole time. He looks at me awaiting an answer to whatever he just said, "I'm sorry Master I didn't catch what you said." I apologize to him. This causes the blue eyed man to let out a dry chuckle. 

"Okay, it is. Padawan (y/l/n), meet Anakin Skywalker." Master Yoda says as he gestures to the blue eyed man. I look back at him and notice he has been staring at me this whole time. "Hello Master Skywalker, it's an honour to be your padawan. I've heard great stories about you and am excited to learn all you have to offer." I say smiling as I offer him my hand. He looks down at my hand and back up at me before turning to Master Yoda, "Do I have to do this?" He mumbles quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. This causes a surge of pain to spread through my body. 

Does he not want a padawan? Or does he just not want me to be his padawan? I ignore his hurtful comment and retract my hand back to my side. 

"Have a padawan, you must. Part of your journey, it is." Master Yoda says to him. Anakin presses his lips into a tight line showing his irritation, "Fine." he says to Master Yoda before turning to face me, "Meet me in the training room in two hours." He says before brushing past me and leaving the room. "I'm sorry about him. He can be difficult but he has great skill, I have no doubt he will warm up to having a padawan in time." Obi-Wan tries to comfort me before following after Anakin. 

"Master Yoda, did Master Skywalker not want a padawan?" I ask trying to cover my hurt feelings. "Reckless and irresponsible, young Skywalker is. A padawan is a distraction, he thinks. Prove him wrong, I know you will." He says to me, bringing a surge of hope through my veins. 

"Thank you Master. I will not let you down." I say as I bow to him. 

"Know you won't, I do." He says smiling as I walk out of the council room. 

I returned to my dorm feeling more anxious than I did when I left. My mind is swirling with negative thoughts, I begin to feel utterly consumed by them as I collapse onto my bed and begin sobbing into my knees. Why was he so rude? I get that he wouldn't want a padawan, it's no secret he's as arrogant as he is skillful, but still I'd imagine he could be more kind. I've spent my whole time here feeling out of place, I thought being the chosen ones padawan would make me feel more like I belonged, but now I fear it won't change a thing. I lay down on my bed letting the sorrow take over and closing my eyes. That's the last thing I remember before falling asleep. 

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