bad dream.

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A/n - and the plot thickens... again lol. enjoy!


(Y/n)'s POV:

It was the day after my day off and I sat alone at a table in the dining hall, poking at the plate of fruit that sat before me. It was 8:05 AM. I had been here for fifteen minutes now, I made sure I was awake early enough to be early to meet Anakin here. And he hasn't even shown up yet.

I waited for another ten minutes before eventually getting up and throwing out my half-eaten breakfast. I didn't need to wait around for him, nor was I going to. 

Just because I have the ability to see him in a different way now doesn't mean I don't still despise the idiot. I hadn't seen him all day yesterday, and I so desperately wanted to not only thank him for taking me out the other night, but I also had many questions for him. 

My concerns regarding the Chancellor returned shortly after my encounter with Max yesterday, another thing I was eager to tell Anakin about, and I resided in the meditation chambers for most of the night to calm myself, and connect with the force as Master Yoda had encouraged me to do.

As I left the mess hall I passed by Max sitting alone at a table with a book in front of him, his eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on the page. I ignored him and scoffed under my breath as I continued walking towards Anakin's dorm. 


I approached the door and raised my first knocking three times, amd upon the third knock he opened the door and his eyes widened when he saw me,

"Oh fuck, I forgot. I'm so sorry (y/n), I was carried away and lost track of time. Artoo had some malfunctions in one of his shock defenses so I spent all night tinkering with him." He apologized to me sincerely and I looked down to the floor beneath us, 

"it's okay. I was just wondering if it was my turn to save your ass now." I said teasingly as I looked up to meet his gaze. His lips held a half-smile, but it never quite reached his eyes, which held something else altogether. 

"Oh padawan, I promise you won't ever be the one to save me. Trust me." He chuckled as his half-smile shifted into a smirk. 

"Oh but Master, I already have, remember? Or has that tiny little pebble in the empty space between your ears finally run out of storage?" I asked as I poked my finger into his chest. I expected him to get upset with me, or even slam the door in my face, but instead he just chuckled more and grabbed my arm, pulling me into his room. 

I was shocked at his actions but made no protest as he let go of my arm and sighed heavily, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"I spoke to Chancellor Palpatine yesterday." He finally said after a moment of silence between us. "That's why I wanted to meet you this morning, I was planning on discussing what I learned."

This piqued my interest. Had my gut been right after all? It had never failed me yet so I wouldn't be to surprised if I was right. 

"Now listen (Y/n), I'm not saying I don't believe you," My heart sank as he began speaking again, those were not the words I wanted to hear, "But I asked the Chancellor about what you said to me, and I have no reason to distrust him." He stepped closer and placed his hands on my shoulders, squeezing lightly, "He said he didn't know what you were talking about, and that your nightmares may just be that. Nightmares, and nothing more."

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