welcome to naboo.

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

I glance over the controls feeling a knot of nerves in my stomach. I've never flown anything before, hell I've never even been this close to a control panel before. I press the button that turns on the engine, followed by pulling the lever that lifts us into the air. I then take a deep breath, push my nerves to the side, and begin navigating through the ridiculous coruscant traffic. I want to look over at Anakin and catch a glimpse of what he may be thinking, but I fear if I did that I would lose control and crash us into another craft, proving him right. And I'll be damned if I prove him right. 

I managed to fly us off the planet with no damage done and into the galaxy. It's beautiful. I've never seen so many stars all in one place before. I punch in our coordinates and set the ship on autopilot, a handy button I noticed while I was flying us off Coruscant. I stand up from the chair and walk closer to the large window looking out onto the stars before us.

"It's so beautiful up here," I whisper to myself, my gaze locked on a specific cluster of stars that seem to make up the shape of a cloud. I can sense Anakin as he stands up and walks over to me. He stands beside me, with my shoulder pressing into the side of his arm, while keeping his gaze locked on the same cluster of stars I was looking at. I break my gaze away from the stars and look up at him. 

I notice how the bright lights of the stars illuminate his features. I utterly despised this man, he was so incredibly bipolar, not to mention cruel and arrogant and utterly narcissistic. But I couldn't deny his beauty, and it was getting harder to ignore the butterflies I felt anytime we were as close as we are now. I look back at the stars ahead of us, ignoring all of those thoughts. He's my master, I shouldn't be thinking that way of him. Even if it is just purely superficial. I walk away from him and sit back down in the pilot's seat, setting us into hyperdrive, and then laughing as he stumbles backward and falls flat on his ass.

He shoots me a death glare as I continue laughing at him. He stands and makes his way back to his chair, "Consider it payback, Master." I say through my laughter. Anakin sits in the chair and reaches into his bag located near his feet. He pulls out what looks to be chunks of metal and wires, if I didn't know any better I would guess it's a disassembled droid of some kind. We sit in silence for some time as I watch him tinker with the hunk of metal and wires. I wonder where he learned how to do stuff like this. I wouldn't imagine he learned it from the Jedi. I know Obi-Wan despises flying and while I can't speak to his knowledge of droid repair, I doubt it's extensive. I find myself dozing off while watching Anakin, and I let sleep take me away. 

I wake to a chunk of rubber hitting me in the head. I jolted up from my sleeping position on the cot. When did I go to a cot? The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in the pilots chair while Anakin tinkered with some sort of droid thing. I look up and see him leaning against the doorway, holding back a smirk as he floats the chunk of rubber back into his hands. "We're here padawan." He says before swiftly turning and exiting the room. I rub my eyes and stretch out my arms, remembering where we are and what we came to do. 

As we walk down the steps of the ship I can't help but look around me in awe. The Lake Country is beautiful. I read about this place when I was a youngling and used to imagine running off to live in a cottage somewhere near here, to escape the peers who tormented me relentlessly. Anakin landed the ship in a large patch of grass, keeping it slightly concealed. He said it's because 'you never know who's watching.', this guy clearly needs a break. We walk down a cobblestone path as we approach a small village. "Where are we to meet the Senator?" I ask as we pass through a market. 

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